🥳Dream's talk🥳

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I join the discord call with Dream patiently waiting for him to start the conversation,
"So, Marine, that's you right?" He says this much more firmly than his usual chill voice,
I clear my throat "y- yes that's me. What you wanna talk about?" I say shuffling in my seat.
"Oh, are you nervous? Sorry I didn't mean to come off like that" Dream says laughing
"No, no, it's fine! I just get a little nervous sometimes..sorry" I say, shrinking in my seat.
"You okay? Did someone- never mind.... Well anyway I wanna ask you something"
I look up at my monitors "Yeah? oh cool! What is it?"
Dream clears his throat "Would you like to have a chill stream with me? I mean it would be great to get to know you, since Tommy seams to like you?" My eyes light up, "Wait! Really, I mean, that would be great" Dream laughs at my excitement "Ah! I'm glad you're up to it, I'll DM you later, we can talk more then?"
"Alright then! I'll look forward to then!"

We end call and I take some time to think about what just happened, tearing up as I thought about how much I wanted to be streamer when I was younger and I'm finally getting there! As tears came down my cheeks my Jax came in resting her head on my lap. I sobbed as I thought about how far I had come it was so rewarding....I worked so hard for 4 years and it's finally paying off, opening my phone I texted my mum.


Mum! I'm literally crying!

Why? What's wrong?

The 4 years of doing what
I do and it's finally paying off!

Doing what? Streaming?

Yes! It's  going to be great mum!

I am so proud of you! I
Really am so proud x
I have to go now my
Dear, I love you! So much

Thanks mum, you to!




If you missed today's stream, you basically missed Sapnap's cr@p pick up and dream becoming my new dad :) ❤️12,823 ♻️995

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If you missed today's stream, you basically missed Sapnap's cr@p pick up and dream becoming my new dad :)
❤️12,823 ♻️995

The best stream in the world!
\ User2:
It certainly was!

I watched and it was adorable! ;)

Dream legit saved her! I was laughing
My arse off!

My pick up lines were fabulous thank
You! Even made you blush!! ;)
\ Mari.day:
@Dream ! Help 😅
\ Dream:
Sapnap! Leave my new daughter alone!
\ Sapnap:
What? New daughter?!
\ Dream:
Yes! Now leave her pour soul alone,
You will make her flustered again!
\ Sapnap:
I am only doing this on her behalf!
\ Dream:
Excuse you?!
\ Mari.day:
Sap! You're not even here and I'm
Getting hot and flushed!!
* liked by Sapnap*
\ Dream:
Thats my daughter you're talking about
\ Mari:
Now now Dream, Sapnap! Don't fight!
I am sorry for summoning Dream!
\ Dream:
I'm sorry.
\ Sapnap:
I'm also sorry.
\ Mari.day:
Thank you! :)

Someone make some Dad dré fan art
Please with Mari!!??
\ User5:
I'm on it!

Clout chaser am I right?
\ User6:
No you are not!

User6: it's like 1am please let's
All go to bed!
\ Ranboo:
Sleep is for the weak!
\ Mari.day:
Yes! Nice to meet you BTW!
\ Ranboo:
You too!!!

So it was once again such an honor to be who I am right now! And I am never saying that again! I chuck my phone across my bed smiling to myself.
Looking at my clock it was pretty late and I should really should be going to bed but first

You run downstairs putting Jax in her crate before turning off all you're lights, heading upstairs again getting into bed and falling asleep almost instantly.

Hello!!!!!! I am so sorry for this chapter it's not really my best but I think it's quite funny! I know IRL people don't make friends that quickly but you know this is not real ( sorry ) lol

Anyway have a great night
Promise better chapter in the future

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