A blast from the past!!

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Marine was very happy that Sapnap was coming to visit her soon, but she was also very concerned on where he would sleep, as the spare room was extremely messy she would have to clean it up for him.
As she opened the door a million things blew into her mind, and one of those things was the large box in the corner, so as you would she walked  straight up to it and opened it up.
And inside it had.
Some photos in old rusty, dusty frames,
Horse tack, and riding clothes. A little bit of a surprise but marine used to ride! It was a long time ago for her, she was 13 when she started  and 19 when she stopped . She Of course  still owned the horses but they were in a stable a couple mins away they were now used for riding students who wished to learn, as the horses them selves are trained and fit for it, since that's what marine intended for them to do.
There was a saddle in there however it was very dirty and shedded dust when she picked it up. That then became her mission for today she would take it to the 'trotting Lotty' (a cleaning service for horse gear) and have it cleaned.

So she called for Jax and they both got in the car as well as taking the saddle with them.
The journey did not take long, so it felt like they got in the car then straight away got out.

"Hey!" Marine called when she kicked open the door letting jax in while she held the saddle dumping on the main desk ready for the clean,
"Hey marine, we ain't  seen you in a long time how ya doin" said a young blond haired girl waking towards her "that's a fine lookin saddle, just a clean?" She asked
Marine laughed "yeah please, oh also can you price it please just text me when you have it, also I think it was dusty's. You don't mind Jax in here do you?" She said as she leaned on the desk.
"Ya it was dusty's he was a right stubborn one! And no we don't mind you havin Jax in here!" The blonde girl replied as she sprayed the saddle down and started to scrub, "so" she asks "how's ya streaming going Mari?"
"Oh it's going great, I'm really enjoying it, thanks"
Marine replied,
The blonde lass looked back down at the saddle "you still living in that big ass house down north?"
"Yeah, not even thinking about leaving either" she says
That's when the blonde girl looked at her " Marine, dusty him self is getting old, maybe you should take him out of lesson work and start riding him again before he passes"
What the blonde girl said did hurt marine, she never told any of her friends about her horse riding love or even dusty, but he had been the first horse she had in her name. He was her horse. Marine sighs "I know I know, and I will. He means a lot to me I just got busy."

By the time she had done taking the saddle was done, so they both nodded at each and marine and Jax left.
So once again
Jax, marine and the saddle went back in the car and went to the sables

When they got there, most people knew who was in the car and smiled at her,
Kids were riding in the pen and practicing mounting and all of that.

"Marine! Lovely to see you!"
"Jackie, you to, erm, where's dusty. Gonna tack him up and go for a ride if that's alright?"
Jackie smiled "yeah that's fine he's in the back, love the saddle!"
Marine smiled and signaled Jax over to where she was walking "thanks bye!"

Marine knew where the back stables were they were what people there called the 'old horses home' obviously as a joke.

But seeing dusty sticking his head out the stable door was bliss to marine, "hey dusty."



This is dusty! I used to ride a lot before I took on streaming! :) ♥️1m ♻️1

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This is dusty! I used to ride a lot before I took on streaming! :)
♥️1m ♻️1.3k

You ride????

Dusty my beloved♥️

No way!! Are you gonna ride more??
\ Mari.day:
I am yes, but after he passes on I will not, all my gear will be sold :(
\ User3:
Right wanna make memories

Didn't know you ride?
\ Mari.day:
Didn't tell you 🤭
\ Dream:
Obviously so lol 😂

You got any other horses?
\ Mari.day:
Yep 3 more, they are in student training
For people who want to learn to ride :)
\ Sapnap:
That's kind of you :)

Yes ⬆️ :)

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Sadly a couple weeks later, dusty passed on and marine did sell all of her gear and avoided visiting the stables...


Hello, you can take this chapter seriously if you wish, it does not serve a huge part in the story and probably will not be mentioned again, the reason I wrote this is just a little insight of what marine used to do, as you already know marine lives in England and a pretty posh part as well,  as you have heard:
Her house quite big
She owns 3 horses
And has a good car
And your probably thinking how does she have that much money if all she does is stream, well, she gets money from the stables as her horses are 'working' there
She gets money from YouTube as well as streaming and if she gets 1 million YouTube views that £1.10 for each view so it would be quite a lot, as well as stream donations, so all in all she gets quite a lot of money!

Have a lovely day/night  <3

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