~Sapnap & Marine~

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Marine opened her door and let Jax off her lead, it was now 1:24 in the evening and she still hasn't had any lunch, as she walked up to her kitchen counter; he phone began to ring, who was ringing her? Wait, it was Sapnap?

"Hello" I say into the phone with a smiling -not like he will see me-
"Hey,  marine just wondering do you wanna stream with me in an hour?"  He says with excitement
I of course say yes "Yes, I'd love to! I'll speak to you in an hour"
I hear him giggle slightly "yeah, I'll see you soon, you'll have face cam on right?"
"Yep, I will indeed, I guess Ill go get ready?" I say
"Yeah, yeah go get ready and I'll speak to later! Lov- erm bye!"

He hung up

Was he about to? No, no never mind, I rush upstairs and go into my bedroom he will only see my face but I still wanna look nice. I rummage in my wardrobe to find something nice in the end I find a shirt with a skirt and settle on that then I brush my hair and rush to my office or as I call it my stream room, how did me getting ready take 47 minutes?! Oh well, I power on my PC and open discord and load up Minecraft, Sapnap messaged me the server Code and I excitedly type it in. WHY AM I SO EXCITED??! Compose yourself Marine!
"Hey Sapnap!" I say as I turn my face cam on, Sapnap already has his on and was already streaming so I watched my mouth though I did want to tell him how cute he looked! So I did "Sap, your looking so cute today" I say to him with a wink. He goes a bit red and laughs of his little blush "your making me blush stop!" He says with dramatic movement, "your making my chat panic Mari, stop charming us all!"
I laugh "ooooh sorry, but I'll stop when you give me a little wink back" I say half joking half not, Sapnap laughs and then winks at me and when I say I went as red as a tomato I really did!
"Aw looks like you are lost for words this time" he laughs.

We spend maybe the rest of the 2 hour stream taking and gaming on mine Minecraft after two hours of maybe flirting and gaming we end stream and just chill in a discord call after another 4 hours in a call we wrap up and end call.
It was amazing and honestly I just continue to ball over the entire event
"Jax! Did you- That was so fun and I can even!"
Jax just stairs at me since she can't understand me at all, and that's when the bird up dinged



Sapnap flirting with Mari is literally everything! ❤️2

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Sapnap flirting with Mari is literally everything!
❤️2.1k ♻️1833

This is why I don't turn on face cam
\ Mari.day:
Dude, looks like ur zooted lol
\ Sapnap:
How do you know I'm not ;)
\ Mari.day:
Uh oh 😂

Screw soulmates I want what they have!
\ User2:
Sme bestie Sme

@ Georgenotfound   I'm winning
\ Georgenotfound:
Nope I am sap flirted first!

I skipped school for that stream
Didn't regret it
\ Mari.day:
Honey, education is important don't
Skip school my pretty ♥️
\ User3:
HIIIII and I won't ever again♥️

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Some time later

~Sapnap pov~

If only she knew I was being serious when I flirted... I thought to myself.
I love her, but it's distance that's holding me back and if she doesn't like me back. I'll be ruined-

~Marine POV~

Cause I love him so much and I want to have a relationship with him, he understands me like no other and I just want to tell him that I want that but I'm scared if he'll-

~Sapnap POV~
Accept me, will she accept me if I tell her? Ugh why do I feel like This!? I can feel myself tear up. Why the hell does she live so far away-

~Marine POV~

In America! Why America?? Would it have been easier to just have gone with my parents??! I cry my mascara off.

"I love him"
"I love her"

Dude that was nice to write anyway have a nice night!!! <3

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