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@Mari.day how old are you British women?
❤️6,883 ♻️347

Tommy I swear to god-
Leave the women alone
\ Tommyinnit:
No can do

User1: what is going
On between these lot?

Can we please have
Her on the smp it
Would be so pog

2 brits getting along?

Tommy wtf? Lol
\ Tommyinnit:
I am being friendly!
\ Georgenotfound:
Why am I in an smp
With this child?
\ Tommyinnit:
Shut up gogy!
\ Dream:
Lol that was a good one
\ Georgenotfound:
Tommy you're an ass,
Dream you are also an
Ass. Lol
*liked by Sapnap*

I am 19, born on the
18th of March 2001. :)
\ Tommyinnit:
You are old like Sapnap.
\ Sapnap:
We are NOT old. :/
\ Mari.day:
At least we aren't a child
\ Sapnap:
Omg lol
\ Tommyinnit:
That is so fuking rude!
\ Sapnap:
You spelt that wrong
\ Mari.day:
Fuking = Fucking*
\ Tommyinnit:
Dick head!
\ Sapnap:
\ badboyhalo:
\ Mari.day:
Sorry, forgive me?
\ badboyhalo:
You are forgiven muffin
Head! <3
\ Mari.day:
Thank you bbh <3
\ badboyhalo:

What ever just happened
I don't like it.

Do you think he is jelly? ;)
\ user5:
Probably ;)
\ User5:
I swear something is gonna
Happen in a year or so-
*liked by Sapnap and Mari.day*

I am gonna message you on
Discord Mari. :)
\ Mari.day:
Okay I'll wait till then! :)

Putting down my phone I looked at my clock it wasn't that early but i still really wanted to get some breakfast so I decided to go down stairs and cook some eggs if I have any spare I'll give em to Jax. I huff to myself as I walk down the stairs why does this always make me exhausted, actually it was probably due to the fact the only time I left my house was to go to college and since that was only once a week for me it wasn't that often but it was still a lot for me.
As I ate the rest of my eggs I heard a notification come through on my PC. I didn't get up straight away as I still needed to scrape my plate and give my dog the left overs.
Jax!! Food!"
All of a sudden she came bursting through to my kitchen and since she was quite big dogs they nearly knocked over everything on the way but that's okay!
Scraping the left over eggs in the dog bowl, I went into my PC room. It was a discord message, then I suddenly hit me, right in the face, Sapnap said he would message me on discord somehow! And my hunch was right!

Sapnap: hi, Mari! It's Sapnap from Twitter

Mari.day: Hello Sapnap U ok?

Sapnap: Yep! I just wanted to ask if you wanted to stream with me? Like Ik we don't know each other that well but I thought we could get to know each other?

Mari.day: That sounds great! What we gonna do?

Sapnap: I have a Minecraft server it's all good quality and that? So maybe that?

Mari.day: that Sounds great!

Sapnap: I'll send you the code! Ready?

Mari.day: yeah okay!

Sapnap: xgj286kkl code!

Mari.day: wait. What time we gonna stream?
You're in a different time zone right?

Sapnap: Yep! Not much I think what time do you go to bed?

Mari.day: around 12:00pm

Sapnap: oh okay I near enough match that, perfect princess

Mari.day: perfect princess? Lol

Sapnap: That was auto correct! I'm so sorry!

Mari.day: That's okay! :)

Sapnap: Can I call you princess? Even if we have hardly met?

Mari.day: Off course but can we keep it private I don't wanna get caught in a bad environment?

Sapnap: Yep, I'll keep it private! :)

Mari.day: Thank you, my prince!

Sapnap: don't make me blush! <3

Mari.day: Okay ;)

Sapnap: I think Dream and George are gonna like you!

Mari.day: That's promising! :)

Sapnap: It is indeed, princess!

Mari.day: I'll start a live now and join the server

Sapnap: I'll be waiting

I open Minecraft and type in the servers code, logging into the world I am greeted by Sapnap's skin standing directly I front of me. I crouch giving a bow like action he does the exact same thing back.
"Hey Sapnap can you hear me?"
"I can hear you loud and clear!"
"Okay great! I'm going to start my stream okay prince?"
"Of course, princess!"

I open my stream and press start and already 20k people are waiting and many more were joining.
"Hello chat! How are you all doing? A bit of a different one today!" I say smiling at my face cam. I hear Sapnap giggle causing my chat to go absolutely mental, "yes chat, Sapnap is here with us" I laugh aloud causing Sapnap to join me until he spoke up "p- Mari! I'm on you're stream! They are going mad! You're views! Well done!"
I look at his avatar "No this is because you are here!"
Sapnap bangs his desk "No! I'm not even in you're you're title? Do you do this well all the time?"
I hide my face in hands and mumble my reply "I guess so? You're making me flustered! I don't like questions"
"Awww I make you flustered" he says in a deep voice.
"Please! Keep you're charm to you're friends!" I say leaning back on my chair, my chat all saying 'it's happening' or 'clip this' things like that.
He speaks up "You think I'm charming"
I squeal to myself and all of a sudden a voice spoke up in the discord
"Sapnap stop flirting with Mari please you're distracting her!"
Sapnap imminently stopped "Come on Dream! How can you not flirt with her!?"
I smile to my stream "Thank you Dream"
After Dream finished his international wheeze he spoke up again "I saved you from big bad Sapnap, also after you're stream I want to talk to you about something is that alright?"
I look at the discord chat "Erm, sure Dream?"
All of a sudden Sapnap spoke up "Hello? I am still here!!"
Dream and I both apologize before getting on with the rest of the stream.
It lasted an hour, and when it finished Dream took me to a private call so he could about his business.

Hello! Just wanted to clear some things up! That code is not real and not however useful, please do not try it, it will not work probably idk

Thanks for reading!!

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