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*a week later*

You haven't streamed or been online what so ever for the last week! But the thing is with this is, is that you was debating to drop out of college, enjoying work was never going to be easy but it felt really really boring in school! Almost to boring, you wasn't learning what you thought you would be. It played in you're mind that you couldn't quit now since it was nearly 6 months that you had been there, but ever since you began streaming you enjoyed that WAY more than you did anything else in the world and you was making some money out of this too.

Rolling out of bed -the thing I had been in for the last 8 hours- I went downstairs and looked at my dog, she was still asleep laying there peace fully. I walked up to my counter where my phone was and picked it up. The only thing that had been happening recently online is the whole Twitter thing about Dream, since people had the idea he cheated at man hunt. Still. I personally didn't get it, I never really got involved with things like that but it was very hard not to defend Dream so I decided to make a Tweet that may change it all... I'm just kidding....probably.


If you think Dream cheated at manhunts, and have been giving him hate, please get of my page.

❤️2.1k ♻️8392

User1: I am really glad you
Don't think he cheated.

Look at you're likes jeez!

Where have you been? Lol

Thank you, appreciate it :)
\ Mari.day:
You're welcome, hope ur ok

When's you're next stream?!
Where you been?!
\ Mari.day:
Asleep, and probs tomorrow!
Can I text you later too, I
I need some advice?
\ Georgenotfound:
Yeah sure, talk to you then!
*liked by Mari.day*

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I feel better about going to talk to someone about my decision before I make it. All in all today may be a good day, I put down my phone and opened the fridge pulling out a small yogurt since that was all I was hungry for.
I ate my breakfast and went upstairs to get changed into some nice clothes as today I was going to have to go out to the shops and call George, putting on some clothes I had a think, what shop would I go to, somewhere close Ideally I didn't want to drive to far...   you know cause I'm lazy...

I decide on a shop and walked out my house, locking my door, I get into my car and start driving. I personally hate driving on this road since it was really small but it's the only way to town from where I live so it has to do.

I finally arrive at the shop getting out my car in the slightly busy parking area. Closing my car door I start walking into the shop, pulling out my list I already prepared, taking a basket I start to collect what I need. Dog food, bread, milk, apples, berry's and that's it.
As I went down the first isle I saw two young girls maybe 15 or 16 looking at me and whispering, I shrug it off and continue on my shopping trip. It wasn't until they both nervously approached me that I stopped what I was doing.

"H- Hello are you Mari.day?"
The brown haired girl says while she fidgets with her fingers.
I grin at them both sparking a smile from them, "yep that's me, and who might you be?"
They both look at me with bright eyes before introducing there selves
"Hi I'm Corey!"
"Hello my names Lindsey! We are both really big fans!"
I set my basket down on the floor, "Aw that's so cute! Let me get you some sweets!"
They both look at me surprised before bursting in a fan fit " REALLY- I mean really?"
I nod at them "Of course! Let's go get some!"

I spend at least 5 minutes with them buying them some sweets and all in all having some time with them, they asked me to sign some things and I did so all in all it was great. Made me feel a lot better about the day

As I made my way back home I thought to myself, I asked George for advice, yet, I hardly know George! We spoke at least once off camera and just away from social media in general but that's basically it. I'm not sure why I chose George, he just seams like the type of person who has his priorities straight and he's just an all round nice guy in my opinion so maybe that's why?
As I parked my car up, locking it behind me I hummed to myself. (An old habit I have) Opening my door my dog burst towards me. I love her so much, she is actually really the only things I have in my life that didn't move away.
My parents are in America both of them work there so originally they thought it would be better to move, my sister is only 18 but she has a partner and has a stable job as well as going to college already getting her life in action. My brother is the oldest he is 28 years old he is married and works as a officer in America as well. My entire family is there. Me on the other hand, no, I stayed in England as I was studying here.... also because I couldn't afford to move, but you know who tracks that?
After feeding Jax I went upstairs to my monitor opening a Discord chat ready to talk with George.

Hey! I am so sorry that I have not updated but I have been really busy. Also I worked really hard on this chapter. As you can tell Marine is a very nice person buying her fans some sweets but anyway!

Thanks for reading! More chapters will be coming out soon so stay patient for that!


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