$ feeling loney $

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"But mum, it's virtually impossible for me and him to bond when we are hours away in a different country..."
Marine says to her mum over the phone,
Her mum sighs and tuts "honey, when me and your father met I was on holiday to Portugal, we had no idea how we would keep in contact but we made it work and look where we are now, 3 beautiful children! If you work with it, it will work with you!"
She smile to herself " You really think so?"
"Ofcouse my dear" her mum replied her "any way, hon I need to dash got lots of things to do! Love you"
Marine smiles "bye mum and thanks!"

They end the call

"So mum and dad made it work, so I'll try too, let's give him a ring!"

*insert ringing sound*

He answered "hello, marine"
I become excited so I get straight to the point "hey! Erm do you wanna stream with me later? I'll just be doing a chill stream you know?"
"I'd love to! Thanks so much, what time you thinking?" He says
I think for a moment "erm in an hour?"
"Yeah sure, I'll see you then!"
We both wish each other a goodbye and hang up.

~Sapnap POV~

"YEEEEEESSS, LETTS GOOOO!" I scream at the top of my lungs as I jump up and down. Dream looks at me for a moment until asking "what happened?"
I look at him, "MARINE, marine has let me do a chill stream with her in an hour!"
I punch the air and Dream laughed at my excitement until he loudly cleared his throat "Sap, do you wanna go get dressed or are you gonna stay shirtless and in pj bottoms?" He said pointing at my trousers. I look down and realize "YES, yes I will thanks!" I flung open the door hitting my arm on it slightly before I ran up the stairs, hitting my hand on the door knob.

~an hour later~
~marine POV~

"Hello chat! How are we all doing today?"
I say into my face cam, I see my chat flood with replies. I laugh at my chat and turn to discord, "So, chat today is a different stream we are just gonna be chilling with a close friend off mine....and that is.....Sapnap!"

He laughs and introduces himself, "aha, hello! Lovely to see you again Mari!"

I look at his face cam and smile at him, he smiles back, "It's great to see you again today sap, anyways what have you been up to then sap-"

[ A/N
Hello so I'm so sorry that this chapter was short but I'm not rlly in the mood to write today I just wanted to get something out also, I just finished reading 'accelerate' it's a great story, but it's also a smutt just so you know x

Also I take back my "o7" for litteryinnit as I found out they faked there own death for content. Anyway have a great day bye!!! ]

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