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You woke up pretty early, around 06:00am.
Normally you woke up around 05:00pm so all in all you had a screwed sleeping schedule! Staring at you phone it suddenly hit you. Someone asked if you had any pets and you did 2 dogs, Doberman Jax she was an angel and German shepherd Stella she was also an angel they were BOTH ANGELS! So you quickly scrolled through phone looking for a perfect picture of the two and when you finally found on you posted it on Twitter!


My sweet baby, Jax!! ❤️998 ♻️457

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My sweet baby, Jax!!
❤️998 ♻️457

Woah 😨 she look kinda scary!

Why do I want her! <3

Jax looks like they could kill me lol

I follow you now and just wanna say
That dog is lookin good!
\ Mari.day:
Thanks? Lol

Oh thanks! She look so cool
\ Mari.day:
It was you! And you're welcome!

British women has dog!
\ Mari.day:
British child also has dog?
\ Tommyinnit:
I AM NOT A CHILD! And yes British
MAN has dogs!
\ Mari.day:
My chat says you're a child
\ Dream:
I am wheezing!! 😆

Look at this ☝🏼

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That post certainly went far but seriously how old is Tommy? Why does my chat call him a child? Lemme google this.....

That post certainly went far but seriously how old is Tommy? Why does my chat call him a child? Lemme google this

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He is 16?! That's not a child age? Children are the age of, like, 11 or something? Ah well, not like it matters. My chat can call him a child all they want. Another serious thing? Does he not like Americans?? God I need to watch him or something, get to date with this!


I still go to college... I have one more year! I just need to survive till then.

You packed you're bag and headed out the door

"I feel that today is gonna be a good day"

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