𝑇𝑟𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒 𝐷𝑜𝑢𝑏𝑙𝑒

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"He's well..." said Britain and heard the door slam shut. "Very....unreadable isn't he...?"

AU had came to check the European countries. They were in his office and so far the Europeans thought the Middle East and African countries were not to mess with, they hoped they can get home safely and find Australia eventually.

All they heard was silence until a silent click interrupted.

Somalia and Somaliland stepped into the room. Somaliland's eyes shone with curiosity and Somalia had an unreadable expression across his face. Somaliland edged towards the Europeans and held a bag of fresh herbs to them—Somaliland was Somalia's younger brother and he was the youngest African country in the group. He was much smaller than Somalia and looked liked a 7 year old innocent kid.

"Aren't these....chamomile?" asked France and edged away from the plants by shifting his chair backwards.
"Oh yeah!" exclaimed Somaliland and excitedly showed them the fresh flowers. "These were the herbs used to make you guys fall asleep—!"
"Fuck this shit I'm out," shouted Netherlands and started heading towards the door.

Unluckily, Somalia blocked his way and smacked the Dutch country's head, he was furious that the European country swore in front of his innocent younger brother.

"What is 'fuck' and what is 'shit'?" asked Somaliland, his eyes twinkled with curiosity and wonder.
"It's nothing!" smiled Somalia, his smile wider and creepier than usual. "It's just a slang word that most Europeans use it, 'fuck' means 'hello' and 'shit' is 'trash'."
"Ohhhh!" exclaimed the young country; faced the European countries with a big smile. "Fuck!"
"But the 'f' word and the 's' word doesn't mean—!" exclaimed Britain, his eyes horrified and scared of Somaliland.

Somalia cut Britain's sentence off by glaring at him. The glare was like 'If you dare swear in front of my brother I will personally kill you in the shed'. This caused Britain to shut up.

"I'm scared now," mumbled Serbia, hoping that nobody heard him, but unfortunately Somalia was good with hearing.
"You should be," growled the African country, "If you guys dare to hurt or even touch my brother and siblings I will not hesitate to stab a knife in your sleep or ask Ethiopia to bring out the guillotine—!"
"The guillotine?!" exclaimed France, his smile grew big. "My people used it to behead the French king and queen before!"

Portugal and Finland shifted their seats away from the French country, they were scared France would start talking about the French Revolution for the fiftieth time. It was annoying and frightening whenever France would start explaining how the guillotine works and their use.

The Europeans were glad France stopped using the guillotine, they never trusted France around with the guillotine ever again.

Somalia huffed and dragged his brother out of the room, not even bothering to ask them questions anymore. He was done with them, their attitude annoyed him too much. Somalia had this attitude around strangers, he preferred to befriend them and maybe, just maybe stab them later. If they were rude to his siblings or his African and Middle East friends, oh they will have a bad time—

"Fuck!" beamed Somaliland and waved at them happily as he and his brother got out of the room with a loud bang as the door shut closed.

Silence wavered around the room...

No one dared to even talk about what just happened a few minute ago. It was better to keep it hidden.

"I want to cry but at the same time scream," groaned Portugal and buried his face in his hands, hoping that all of this was just a bad dream or nightmare.
"Same here," sighed Ireland.

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