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Name: Catherine Aidos.

Nicknames: Crissy.

Gender: Female.

Age: 16 years old.

Birthday: 21 January.

Sexuality: Straight.

Height: She is 159 cm tall

Looks: She has long blond hair that went down all the way to her butt, normal skin color and green eyes. A red ribbon is tied at the top of her head to keep it in place. Her standard clothing is her school uniform which consists of a slate-colored jacket with a light blue trim at the edge of her sleeves and a light-yellow jumper which she wears underneath along with a white dress shirt who peeks through underneath. A blue tie and heart-shaped clip can also be seen there. Crissy's uniform also includes a black skirt with black leggings that goes down to over her knees. Small black socks are peeked at her ankle with same-colored shoes to match. (Check top picture. Not made by me but Whiteflame07 on Q)

Occupation: Highschool student. Hacking info Brooker.

Family: Had parents, but they died when Crissy was very young, leaving her alone with her at that time 16 years old sister to take care of her. Her name is Kristina and they have 10 years difference in age. She now works at Sol tech as system maintainers.

Friends: Yusaku Fujiki. Cal Kolter. Have met Jin. Later befriends herself with Skye and Theodore.

Duelist Info:

Duel Disk: Rainbow colored

D-Board: Silver colored duel board. Looking like a broom.

Deck Name: Madolche link deck.

Crissy p.o.v.

Please give it back. Or that was at least what I wanted to say, but sadly no words entered my lips. I could see the evil grins plastered on the boys faces, as they tossed around with my backpack in between them and forced me to be the monkey in the middle. I was trying continuously to get my things back from them, but it was no use. It was 5 against 1 and I was small of my statue. There was no way I could reach up and grab my bag from them.

"What was that mute freak? Do you want your things back? Do you? Then ask us very nicely" One of the big brutes who clearly was the leader in all this and currently holding my backpack up over his head and so out of my reach. 

I hissed inside as I clenched my fists in pure anger. Oh, how I wanted to tell them a thing or two. Or kick their asses so hard they wouldn't bother me ever again. Sadly, no sound came out my lips once again and along with it went my courage. To be honest I wasn't mute by any means but categorized with selective mutism from my therapist years ago. I just couldn't speak to higher up authorities and children on my own age. Only people really close to me and that was only when we were alone. Here, a bit away from the school itself there was just no way I would manage. Not that those bullies understood any of that. I was just an easy target because I wasn't that tall and couldn't speak.

"Oh yeah that's right. You cannot speak. My bad" The leader spoke sarcastically and grinned as he pushed me to the ground pretty hard. 

All his followers of course followed his example and began laughing as well. Soon I was having 5 boys laughing at me. That so didn't help my self-esteem. Then a loud thug could be heard as the leader was suddenly pushed to the ground with a firm push. His face hitting the asphalt pretty hard, making the laughter from the boys stop instantly.

"Who dare...?!" The leader hissed only to freeze up as a silhouette of blue and pinkish hair walked passed him with a stoic calm expression on his face. I was staring in disbelief as the stranger were handing me my backpack without saying a word to me or the boys behind me. They had of course all gathered behind their now up and about leader like the true cowards they were.

"Who the heck are you? Who has told you that you can touch my things?".

"They aren't yours" the stranger just responded in an emotionless voice as he defended me "I am just returning them to the rightful owner".

"And who says that's not me!" the leader growled annoyed.

"For three reasons really" The boy responded and were holding three fingers up in front of the boys "One this backpack has a girls name on it. 2. I don't believe anyone would treat their things so recklessly and 3. You were bullying her, which clearly says you took the things from her by force. Bullying is wrong".

"Why you little..." The leader growled and were properly about to hurt the stranger when his crew were holding him back.

"Easy there boss. Don't you know who he is. It is this weird robotic kid who has no emotions. I heard rumors that something terrible happens if you engage with him" One of his followers said.

"Yeah, I heard someone went missing because of him" Another one added "I don't wanna disappear boss". They could hear the boy growl annoyed now.

"We... will be back!" the leader sneered as an empty threat and then they ran away with their tail between their legs.

"They are gone. They won't be bothering you again" the stranger claimed and shrugged. 

He held a hand towards me now. I hesitated for a bit. I was not good with people really. Especially, new people, but this guy had risked his neck to save me. I could at least return his kindness by taking his hand. What did surprise me was that he kept it extended towards me while I was having this debate with myself. People usually retract their hand after a while, thinking I didn't want any help. This guy however was different. That, and I had just looked up into his green sparkling eyes. Compared to his cold exterior, his green eyes were sparkling with such fond kind emotions and this weird feeling suddenly ran through me. It was like some kind of link. Like we had meet before or something like that. It was for that reasoning I ended up taking his hand and soon I was standing on my two feet again.

"You felt it too, right?" The boy then asked, "This weird tingling". I nodded to that. Apparently, I was not the only one. I couldn't explain it, but it was like I was linked to this boy in some way, and by the statement from the boy, he knew it as well.

"My name is Yusaku Fujiki" The boy introduced himself as "You are Catherine Aidos, right? The mute girl". My eyes widened at that declaration. I had after all not told him my name so how...

"Your backpack. Your name is written on the label" Yusaku pointed out "That was what you were going to ask me? Why I knew your name?". 

I nodded instantly again as I quickly opened my backpack, writing quick words on the many long paper pieces I were always having in my backpack. Soon I was holding up a sign asking, 'Why did you help me?'. I could see how this Yusaku was carefully reading the words now.

"Oh, for three reasons" he responded and where holding up his fingers just like he had done to the leader earlier "1. You seemed in distress. 2. I do not like when people are getting hurt and 3. I just felt like it". 

He shrugged casually at that, like he had no care at all, but at the same time I knew he did. His body language and mannerism just didn't, and I wondered if he was like me in some way. A person who didn't belong anywhere with anyone and were just a burden.

"We better get a move on, or the teacher might get angry over us being late" he said and began walking towards the school. I couldn't help myself as I instinctively grabbed after his hand. 

The bullies might be gone for now, but who knew if they would come back. I just felt safer with him. However, then I realized what I was doing. I was clinging to a complete stranger I just met minutes ago. People didn't like me being clingy. My sister told me that many times, when I just out of reflects grabbed her hand out of safety. This world felt so dangerous sometimes. His hand however, locked with mine surprisingly, which had me confused quite a bit. Usually, people would push me away or yell at my actions, but this Yusaku didn't say anything. He didn't even let go of my hand. No instead he just began walking towards the school with me. Our hands locked together like we were soulmates bonded by fate.

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