Au Halloween piece story.

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AN: Happy Halloween my dear readers. I decided to post this Alternative Universe vrains piece for you. It was originally a birthday present for my friend JessicaMGarcia4 last November I think. I was allowed to post it. I mean what says Halloween more than demons and deals? Just don't expect a real story out of this. At least not yet. I have a lot of stories to work on after all. Don't worry will update the original Vrains story soon too. Also, just know this story piece has nothing to do with the original story. Now, have fun reading.

It was a cold, dark, and freezing month. A difficult storm was in the uprise. One where people usually were inside their sturdy and cozy houses, waiting things out. Or almost everyone was. Dressed in a cloak with a hoody was this woman and she was carrying this bundle in her arms. In some way shielding the content from the harsh wind and cold. It was a young child sleeping, but if you looked closely, you could see how pale this child was. A rising fever was hiding underneath and encouraged the stranger forward. If she just reached the outskirts of the town. If this just went past the graveyard and reached the forbidden area everything would be well. The woman had heard the tales of this forbidden place though. There was a reason for why it was named so. It was marked as a demon territory. Even the thought of it was dreadful. The rumors that had been whispered there. The people who had been missing. The ones who had been desperate or people who went on a dare. They were never seen again. In these few cases where people did come back, were changed. Mad even. Whatever they had gotten had driven them to insanity and were dead at some point afterward. Either by their own volition or by someone else's hand. The things they told made people shutter and run as fast as they could to the nearest church. All so they might be able to save their soul in the end. The woman knew the consequences of course. She could indeed see herself as one of the desperate. She would pay anything. Whatever they wanted, even her own life in return, for her own daughter's. As long as she would live, she didn't care about the consequences.

The graveyard itself was creepy. The dead gravestones along with the blowing whisper of the dead, made the woman shutter. However, she did not turn around. She was going to see this through to the end. She just needed to go past the graveyard. She just needed to reach the dead wisteria tree. According to the rumors it was there that you could strike a bargain with the leader of the darkness clan. The criteria had to be just right though. It had to be performed on a full moon night but in the cover of darkness. The woman assumed it meant when the moon was covered with clouds. Of course, the chances of her getting over there before getting killed were less than none, but that was minor details. She was determined to reach her destination. The hill was visible to her now. She let out a tiny, relieved gasp. She was almost there. She pulled up in the bag she was carrying on her shoulders. All to ready herself for what was to come.

"Hello?", she asked frightfully and looked around. To make sure.

Her nerves were already wrecked as it was. Nothing as of yet happened though. She bowed down, placing the bundle with the child underneath the wisteria tree, and began praying. The bags she was carrying, were beside her as well. To prepare for the offering she was sure she had to give. All to please the overlord she was about to summon. Or so she hoped. The full moon was barely visible by the clouds when she began praying. Her head lying down on the earth as respectfully as she could manage.

"I beg your pardon, you great leader. You dear king of the darkest depths of the underworld. The great manipulator. Master of the darkness. My lord Playmaker. I humbly ask for a favor. A deal. Please allow my wish to be heard" the woman chanted in deep respect. Just as it was said in the old scriptures, she had to say the demon lord she wanted to summon name 3 times. "Please hear my prayer. My dear lord Playmaker. Playmaker. Play...".

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