Fallen angel.

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AN: Hello dear readers. I am back with yet another chapter. So sorry for the wait you guys. I don't know what happened. Or well I do. I did not take well to criticism at first. I found out from an honest reader that my grammar was awful, which is true, but felt a little heartbroken that I suddenly have to fix everything. Alias every story I have or ever have written. Which was a little overwhelming. Luckily, I am back. Partly. Hope you like the story. Have fun reading.

Yusaku's p.o.v.

Yusaku had just logged in inside Link Vrains as Playmaker and was now checking the premises for that Knight of Hanoi.

"Are you certain that the knight of Hanoi you detected is here?", he asked the A.I.

"Yep. The signal is beeping within 50 meters", Ai clarified. Yusaku's eyes narrowed. That was extremely close by. If that was the case, then why could he not...


His gaze was surprisingly locked on Blue Angel who was standing on top of the little roof of this open area where you could etc. eat food in public without being bothered by heat or rain. Not that any of those things would happen, but Sol Tech wanted their users to feel secure. Why else would they build such places?

"No, wait that is blue angel", Yusaku concluded annoyed. She looked mad.

"It is about time you showed up", she sneered at him.

"Blue angel what are you doing here?", Yusaku asked her.

"What am I doing here? Um, you are the one who challenged me", Blue Angel stated.

"No, I didn't". Yusaku narrowed his eyes. Why would she think that?

"Um hello?! You most certainly did, You send me a message on my phone, saying 'now or never' remember", she clarified for him. That did indeed surprise him.

"No, I actually don't remember", he cut him off and turned to the only logical conclusion there was. "Ai, did you send her one?".

"Hmm maybe", the A.I. said which indicated that he had.

"Why would you do that?", he demanded to know.

"So, you can duel against a knight of Hanoi", was Ai's only response.

"But that is not one of the knights of Hanoi. That is Blue Angel".

"Or perhaps they are one and the same".

"Wait that can't be...".

"Oh, it can. I am getting a faint whiff of Hanoi permeating from her deck. PY".

"Why would Blue Angel work with the Knights of Hanoi?", Yusaku questioned.

"And what does PY stand for? It doesn't matter", Ai dismissed him.

"It matters if the knights of Hanoi are increasing their reach", Yusaku hissed.

"Yeah, that would be bad news for us. I mean for me. I don't care about you", Ai huffed. It was not hiding its true intentions one bit.

"Oh, how noble of you", Yusaku huffed right back at it.

That said, Ai did have a point. If he concentrated his link sense, he could sense there was something off with her deck. If Blue Angel was having a Knight of Hanoi card in her deck, that could not be anything good.

"Fine. Blue angel I accept your challenge", Yusaku then declared.

"Ahr, I can't even... you challenged me. You are the worst", Blue Angel hissed at him.

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