Kicking up a storm.

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AN: And I am back. For now, with another chapter. Sorry for the wait you guys. Have issues with getting motivated. It is not so easy to write when you feel life is meaningless. Not sure if it is a depression or if it is just life in general. It is hard to get out of bed in the mornings, but what can you do? Hope you can forgive me. But have fun reading.

Yusaku's p.o.v

Yusaku hissed annoyed. Confined in his bindings he couldn't do much. Only to watch which was frustrating. Yes, he had never really watched eye-to-eye with Asteria Witch. He barely knew anything about her, but Kolter did vouch for her, and that was good enough for him, for now. Standing here, tied up and everything, watching how Varis the leader of the knights of Hanoi was trying to coerce Asteria Witch to join his organization burned him up. Yes, Asteria Witch had no importance to him besides business transgressions, but this was the knights of Hanoi! They didn't need Asteria witch. They were only taunting him surely and it frustrated Yusaku beyond belief. He would show them if he just could get out of this trap! Ironically, the room had turned silent ever since Varis uttered his proposal. Akira Zaizen and Ghost Girl stood there, waiting for Asteria Witch's reply. Even Ai was quiet which was quite the feed, since the A.I. loved to talk.

"Oh, that is quite the proposal you are coming with," Asteria Witch said. She sounded nonchalant. She chuckled. "But, why not?! I am always looking for ways to destroy your organization from inside out. Because that is all you will be getting from me, big guy. Get it?! I will never join the knights of Hanoi!" For some reason, Yusaku let out a happy relieved sigh.

"Oh, so hostile. It makes me wonder if you have a vendetta against us for some reason," Varis chuckled. "But no matter. You are not the only one claiming to destroy our organization. You remind me of someone. She was hostile too, but ultimately, she joined our cause. I don't see why that cannot happen with you."

"Is that some sort of threat?!" Asteria Witch challenged.

"More like an observation," Varis countered, smirking.

"And you just think I will just stand by and do nothing?!" Akira suddenly shouted, getting everyone's attention. "How dare you try to force people to join your evil organization!"

Yusaku lifted eyebrows at that. Considering how Akira had accused him and Asteria Witch a minute ago, it was fun to see how quickly this Sol Tech employee could change his mind.

"That is exactly right," Varis said. "If you want to save Blue Angel. After all, it was our card that infected her with the virus."

"It... it was?" Akira questioned surprised.

"Yes, but I am in possession of an anti-virus that can revive her. If it is not too late that is," Varis replied stoically. It made Yusaku glare at him even more. What was Varis' end goal? Why had he shown up and suddenly saved them? What did he want?!

"Why? Why did you do this?!" Akira demanded to know.

"Why? Why did I affect Blue Angel with the Virus?" Varis asked and chuckled. "Heh, why not? I could have chosen to affect anyone at all really, but this target was much too good to pass up. When she challenged Playmaker, all it took was a simple slip of a card and look at the results. I couldn't have asked for more. You went and gift-wrapped Playmaker for me." Varis chuckled again.

"Not to mention lured Asteria Witch out of hiding." Varis's gaze lingered on Asteria Witch for a second before he turned to Yusaku. Determination was radiating in his eyes. Not that Yusaku was backing away one bit.

"I am challenging Playmaker to a duel, and you will do nothing but stand there like a useless statue and like it. If Playmaker wins, I will give him the anti-virus to cure Blue Angel," Varis continued. "But if I win..."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 11 ⏰

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