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I teleport back to the room I found lwandle in. The door is still locked like how I left it. I can hear mcebisi going anxious cause he hasn’t heard from me and he’s starting to panic.

“ Calm down. Lwandle and thandiswa are safe at home. I need to find my aunt and cousin before we attack cause they might run away. Stay alert and keep your heard down.” I mind link my pack, careful not to let any of the rogues in.

“ Okay alpha. Let us know once you have them. We only have a few minutes before they notice that there are more people than usual. ” ndlovu says.

“ Blend in and act as natural as possible. ”

I cut off my mind link and think of my aunt, the woman who has caused so much pain in my life. I picture her whole face and body and the perfume she loves to wear and my senses open up and I can see where she is. Her and busiwe are going through a book talking about something that they are going to make. One of the good things about being a wolf is that your hearing and sense of smell is five times more than that of a human. I close my eyes and teleport to where they are and I don’t give them time to react because I wrap my arms around both of them and teleport us to the palace's dungeon. As soon I get in there I use my speed and put them in cuffs around their necks, hands and feet.

They still haven’t realised what is going on because they are vomiting because of the speed and air that almost suffocated them during teleporting. They stop and I see sonto looking up and she gets a fright of her life when she sees it’s me. Busiwe looks up too and shakes her head no.

“ I told you I will find you and here you are. Witch sonto and her wicked daughter.”

“ sthembiso?.... You?....but how? ”

“ you don’t get to ask questions here. I’ll be back. ” she’s still looking at me shocked. “ and sonto? Your magic will not work here. You will not escape so don’t try anything stupid cause you might just get yourself killed which is what I think you would want to do. ”

“ What are you?..... You’re one of them? ” she asks shocked. I ignore her and look at busiwe who’s mouth is still hanging open from the shock if seeing me.

“ I warned you to stay away from your mother but you didn’t listen and now you’re here because of her and I don’t feel sorry for you busiwe. Pity you wasted a good life for her. ”

“ You clearly don’t know who I am little boy. I will… . ”

“ I dare you to try anything! Somet9 and you will finally know who the hell I am!.” I disappear in front of their eyes and go back to that hell hole. I am going to destroy this whole place once I’m done with this fool. I go through his closet and smell one of his T-shirt so I can find where he is and he is somewhere around this place and he’s with the people he trusts. If feels like they are close to them so it must be his family. Good I’ll get to kill them in front of him.

“ Dark Moon pack this is your Alpha King Sthembiso. It is time we attack this place now. I want you to eliminate anyone who stands in your way. Those who want surrender put them in one place but anyone else kill and not look back. My Luna is safe back home. I want this place destroyed and burned to the ground. Beta Mcebisi, Delta Mike and Elder Ndlovu come to where I am now. Dark Moon Pack Attack Now!. ” I mind link them.

I find the room where they are at and slit the guards throats fast and they drop dead. I can kick the door open but that would alert them so I teleport inside and stand next to their rogue alpha grabbing his shoulder. The whole room goes dead quiet. I don’t have to say anything because they feel my power and dominance around the room. My wolf wants me to kill all of them now!.

FINDING HAPPINESS. ( EDITED.)Where stories live. Discover now