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The terror on Pat's face right now could have maybe made me smile and enjoy this moment but no. Nothing about this whole situation we are in can take away the pain and anger I am feeling right now. Athena has to know where Malibongwe is. I want to find him, Mabasa and his father and kill all of them. I want him to watch me as I rip out every bone in his father's body. I will teach him a lesson he will never forget even after death. Mxolisi takes Thembeka's body away.
" burn her body."
" yes alpha."
" Athena please tell me you know where my sister is?."
" I will go ask my sister and maybe she might help." she disappears.
" love?."
" I am not interested to anything he has to say. Whatever that is going to come out of his mouth it's going to be lies."
" you're Luna. We will find him on our own." my mate says.
" Please don't kill me. I can tell you why he took Millie and why your mother was attacked."
" I AM NOT INTERESTED IN WHAT YOU HAVE TO SAY!." I scream at his face."
" please!." he begs
" We gave you a chance to talk but you refused fool and now you think I want to hear what you  have to say? NO!."
" Shut the hell up!." I look at my alpha king.
" My Alpha. This fool is just wasting time that we don't have. All the questions we have we'll get answers from that bustard himself...."
" please don't kill me." he screams.
" do you know where he took Millie?." the alpha asks him.
" I don't know where he took her I swear!."
" You're lying to us!. You have Millie’s blood on you so don't you dare try to act smart with me."
" I....." is the last word he says. His screams fill the whole room as my mate rips his body into pieces. Pat's blood is splashed all over the room and his body is unrecognisable. The sight before can make anyone sick to their stomach.
My mate disappears after without saying anything. The others are still speechless from everything they have witnessed.
" Luna please wipe your hands." thandiswa gives me a wet towel. I take it and wipe my bloody hand that has thembeka's blood. The omega's come in and start picking up what is left of Pat's body parts all around the room.
" I can't believe thembeka knew everything from the beginning." thandiswa says.
" you did warn me about her that day but I didn't listen. Sthembiso told me to stay away from here and not get involved in her business but again I didn't listen to him. Maybe...."
" hey it's okay. You are alive. our children are here with us and that's all that matters for now. We are going to find Millie and your mom is going to recover and be okay." my mate appears and he has shifted back to himself but it feels like he's more than just man. He's a demi god.
Right at that moment sthe's dad comes in and his  clothes are soaked with Phindile's blood.
" did you kill her?." sandile asks.
" she's still alive. I had to motivate her since she refused to speak."
" did she say anything?."
" that woman is a witch. I have never met a woman who can tolerate pain like she did but she did say something interesting." we wait for him to continue. " she said her sister introduced her to uMabasa and they are lovers. Mabasa was with your mom lwandle because he needed to get close to her so they can have a plan as to how they can kidnap you for malibongwe so you can bare children for him cause that might help all of them. She said their pack is in a blink of extinction."
" but how dad?. Wolves lives a very long time?."
" It's the curse goddess Artemis placed on them and they are convinced that your mate alpha is the answer to their problems. That is why they kidnapped Millie to lure you in."
" what the hell is wrong with these people?. Did they seriously think that I will agree to all of this?." I am so mad. I wish malibongwe was right here so i can feed him his heart.
" they wanted to make it seem as of it was our family that have done this. Apparently they tried to make you guys fight so you can leave your mate but the bond you both have was just too strong for them."
" Yes you may enter." my mate says.
The witch walks in with two other omegas. They bring something with them that looks like it's a pot and it looks big because they put it in the middle of the room.
" what is that?." I ask her.
" if you may all gather around the pot my Luna I will explain."
We all gather around the pot making space everyone to see what the witch wants us to see.
" My alpha king as you have asked me to find you the owner of that hat and where he is now and i tried my best and please look at the pot and watch.
She throws something in the pot and both omega stir with with big wooded spoons saying some incantations looking at pot like she's in a trance. The water and whatever that is inside the pot boils to a point that it is going to spill out and the smell is not as bad as i thought it was going to be. They take out the spoons and she stops speaking.
" watch." she says.
The water stops boiling then we look inside as it gets clear. The first thing I see is what looks like a cabin house. It is big and it looks absolutely beautiful. The lights inside make the rooms look so breath taking. The lighting outside the house is beautiful too. Malibongwe took Millie here? But it doesn't look someone lives there. I look at the water again and I see the house is actually located deep in the forest. I have never seen this kind of forest ever.
I feel a presence of someone in there. Wait what is going on here?. I want to look away and see if everyone is seeing the same thing I'm seeing but I can't. It's like my eyes are glued there by someone. I feel the presence of that person like they are sitting down and drinking something from a cup. I can see the chair, a head and a cup that is on that person's hand. The hand holding the cup has tattoos from the knuckles and upward to where I can't see. I feel like I am walking to where they are seated.
I want to see if that mother fucker is actually drinking tea or coffee like he did nothing wrong. The aura I am getting it is telling me that it is a male who's sitting. The person seems to be aware that there's a person watching them cause I feel them as they stiffen and sit up right. I hold my breath. This is not Malibongwe or his dad. Not even Mabasa. Who is this this person that I am seeing?.
His back is on me as he stands up and puts the cup on the coffee table. They then turn and look at me and the person looks at me and I feel cold air around me making my whole body freeze. I can feel the coldness all the way through my bones and I actually feel my skeleton shake in absolute terror. I want to run away and scream for my mate but I can't. I feel like  a spell has been put on me.
There is no emotion on his face or anything. I have never ever seen a person like him in my whole entire life. He doesn't look like he is real. I want to touch him and see if he is really real. He is almost as tall as my mate and they have the same height.
He walks to me slowly and stops. He bends his head and sniffs me.
" wolf. Luna. Goddess."  I see his head moving like he's bowing at me then I feel my body shaking in terror.
" who....who are you?."  I ask him.
" how did you find me?." His voice is very deep. When he talks it feels like the whole room is shaking.
" I don't know you. I don't know I got here. I am looking for someone but I saw this place instead and thought that's where he has her."
He takes a step back and looks at me.
" no one knows this place. How did you find it."
" we find a hat of a man and my mate asked her to find where the owner is and everything about him."
" a hat?. What did it look like?."
" It looked like the one Black Panthers wore. Not the movie but the real black Panther."
" and you think someone that had that hat took her?."
" no it belongs to the person attacked my mother. It's the father of the man who attacked and kidnapped my sister. I picked it up on my mom's bedroom floor where I found her bleeding to death."
He walks to me again and touches my head  with his hand and his eyes turn yellow the back to normal brown.
" Go!." he says taking his hand off me.
" what?."
" Go!." I wish I can read that cold stone face of his.
How the hell am I going to go when I don't know how I got here in the first place?.
" Tell your mate I'm sorry I touched you but you have to leave now." he holds my hand and I gasp.
I find myself back to the council room and everyone is looking at me freaked out excluding my mate.
" Thank God you're back." he looks worried.
" why? why happened?."
" You zoned out on us love. Did you see what we all saw?." huh?
" yes I did. I need to sit down."
" don't worry love. We are getting Millie out of there." what?
" you saw where Millie was?." they stop talking among themselves and their eyes shift to me.
" you didn't see her?." my mate asks.
" no I didn't." I tell him. The witch turns her eyes find mine.
" My Luna did you see something else?."
" wait...just wait a minute. What did everyone in here see?."
My mate takes my hand and looks at me.
" You are cold." I nod. " what did you see?."
I open my mouth to tell him but there's something deep inside me that tells me I shouldn't tell him what I saw infront of everyone. Somehow this feels like I should only tell him.
" I saw the same thing I as when I held that hat in my hand." I touch my neck looking at my mate and he follows the movement.
" what did you see love?. Don't worry they wont hear us." he minds-link.
" I know they won't but they will realise that we are mind-linking. I'll tell you when we are alone."
" did what you saw scare you?."
" It terrified me but then it confused me too."
" are you fine now though?."
" I am baby." I assure my alpha king.
" what did everyone see?."
" We saw Millie in what looks like a dungeon she was hurt too." sandile says.
" oh my God!."
" did you see him, his dad or anyone else?." I ask him.
" No but it was like there was someone watching in the shadows." sandile explains.
" he's in what looks like a beach house. It has a house underneath too." what?
" I know where they are. They are in Scottsburgh, the same house I was in when I left Vryheid."
" are you sure love?."
" I am. It must be it." my sister is there I know it.
We hear commotion outside the council doors then Mcedisi and mxolisi rush and open the doors and three people walk in looking  followed by bruised and bloody two females and one male. They are in silver handcuffs and I know they must be in real pain.
" You can leave us witch." she nods and looks at me. I read her mind and she’s very curious about what I see.
" it's nothing you have to worry about witch. I can see the future that's all." Ii mind0link her.
" I thought maybe you went to the other dark side and saw something." she says.
" nothing like that. Darkness can't touch me." she bows and they leave.
The men who have just walked in is one of them is an Alpha, his beta and Sentinel. They get close and I can feel the fear the three people who are in cuffs feel. I get this stench like it's rotten meat and I realise it's them who smell. They smell like they have been living in a pig style.
The alpha kneel down and bow. My mate goes to his throne and seats. I stand next to him. Some of our pack men enter the room bowing to us. 
" Our Alpha King of The Royal Dark Moon Pack we greet you. Our Luna we greet you too. Beta we greet you and the whole council.  I am Alpha John Pule from the red Crescent Moon and I am accompanied by my beta and sentinel. We are here because you sent for us to find you any remaining member of the rogue alpha malibongwe. Here with us we have his family that was in hiding near my pack."  Damn that was fast.
" Welcome Alpha John and thank you for bringing these amazing gifts to me. Beta, Sentinel take them to woods where they will be torched.' My mate says and they scream. The beta and sentinel take them away.
" brother please make sure our dear mother joins them. make sure she's tied to the same pole her sister died in."
" yes Alpha." he disappears.
" Alpha John the money that the royal house promised will be paid to you before the end of this night. It will be deposited into your account."
" Thank you my Alpha king."
" The omegas will come and take you to your rooms where you will tire for the night before you go back to North West." alpha john bows.
" If I may say something my alpha king."
" speak."
" me and my man here can be of service to whatever you need because I know you are looking for the rogue alpha."
" We are heading out right now alpha. If you are sure and not tired then you can join us."
" My services to the royal house will always be available my king. Tired or not."
Sthe nods then he stands up.
" follow me to the woods. After that we are going to Scottsburg. My brother and I can teleport all of you if you are not scared because we don't know how many wolves he has there guarding them. Let's go." they nod.
My alpha takes my hand and we teleport to the woods and they are tide up to the poles. They are screaming, crying and begging for mercy. I have no mercy for either of them. His family must die. She knew what his son or family was planning. She was also part of the plan and if maybe she didn't well and it is true when they say you are guilty by association.
Most of the pack is already here watching and they know what the alpha is going to do.
" I stand before you again my pack. I told you that anyone who is against me is against the throne and they will die. My mate's family. Your Queen Luna’s family was attacked this morning and these people here have a hand in it. These three are the rogues alpha's family and this woman here is a witch. Not just any witch but one that gave birth to me and my brother that she killed. Dear mother your day has finally came. You are going to join the sister that you love and did everything with. You won't come back to live in this earth ever. If you try I will know because I also know my way in hell and I am going to make sure thst even in there you never find peace. Ever!."
What I know about my mate is that he is one cold son of a bitch and also one caring and loving man I have ever know. However his dark side really scares me. Sandile comes forward and gives his brother a log that is burning. They look at each other then sandile lights it where his mother is at and the flame just goes up. She screams when she feels the burn on her skin.
He comes to me and gives me the log he has and I take it and walk to Malibongwe's mom. If maybe, just maybe if malibongwe had not tried to kill my babies or had his dad not tried to kill my mom and maybe had he not lied, used and kidnapped my sister then I would have felt bad for his mother, sister and brother but I am not. I look at this woman the light the logs beneath her feet and she screams. My mate lights those of malibongwe's siblings and they also scream in agony.
The flames get big and the stench of burning flesh fills the air. We watch them all burn into flames until there is only their ashes left. Sthe looks up and asks the goddess moon to cleanse our land with rain and she does. The rain drops washing away their ashes and cleaning our land.
" we are now going to attack anything that stands in our way and get my mate's sister out of there. Do you hear me wolves?."
" Yes Alpha!." We sing.
" Are you with me wolves?."
" Yes Alpha!."
He looks at me and nods.
" Lets go kill that son of a bitch Luna."
" Yes my Alpha King."                                                      

FINDING HAPPINESS. ( EDITED.)Where stories live. Discover now