goodbye and thank you

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Im so sorry. This book is being discontinued, and Im quitting writing entirely.

Im really really really sorry, but I just no longer feel motivated to write anymore. Im so thankful for all of you, and for everyone who read it so far. Ill just copy paste what I sent in my discord:

Hi everyone, Im not quite sure if this comes as a surprise to anyone, but I've decided to quit writing for good, and this server will be deleted a long with it.

Im really really really sorry... i feel like such a hypocrite doing this, and I am aware of it but I just dont want to do it anymore. I know that you all have been waiting, and honestly, Ive been waiting too, waiting for my motivation to pop back up, waiting for myself to get back on the keyboard and write again. I physically cant do it. I cant open the docs, I cant look at my book on wattpad, Im sorry.

I lost all my motivation for my book and the fandom itself. It grew a lot recently, and I kind of miss the little bubble that dnf used to be. I also just stopped thinking about the plot, and it kind of sucks, but writing feels more like an obligation than a hobby at this point. Leaving feels like neglecting an obligation, and leaving you all behind. For that, I am sorry again, and I apologize.

I also lost confidence in my writing itself. I know that a lot of you would end up telling me its good, but I knew some people whos comments about my book would just chip away at my self confidence. I dont feel like its good enough, and when I write i feel the obligation once again to make it good or even fucking perfect. But its just a motherfucking gay wattpad fanfiction, but I cant get those thoughts out of my head. And no, this isnt dune

Also, when I was writing, I had no life. Im not even kidding, i spent every last minute of any fucking break I had just writing my ass off, only to be told it sucked and reminded of my cringey writing mistakes over and over again. It chipped away a lot.

Its been chipping away, yeah. This thought has been chipping away at me for weeks now, and yes Ive thought over this decision. Im trying to justify my choice, and I know most if not all of you will disagree, and I am sorry but I really cant continue this anymore.

I am deleting my discord account. Im thankful for all of you, but I need to stop lying to myself and pretending i still want to do this. Ive been forcing myself into this, and i just need to stop for my mental health.

Thank you, all of you. For supporting me this far, and reading my book.

My discord account is getting deleted.
The server is getting deleted.
My book and my wattpad account will stay, but I will be logging out and deleting the app wattpad.
For the people who found my twitter, that is getting deleted.
Ao3 will stay, but Ill only be reading fics occasionally maybe months later, and I probably wont be reading comments either.

Im really really sorry... for everything. For leading you on that I would update again, for anything rude ive said, for feeling these things i quite frankly wish I wasnt feeling with this book and with certain people. 

For quitting, and just leaving everything behind, im sorry. Bye, and Ill miss this.

Btw techno is actually dead, he was never gonna get revived motherfuckers :D


If you guys want good fics, go to @Owl1425 a good friend and one of the best writers, or literally anyone I follow. I never got the chance to shout her out, but @downthedarkpath was one of my editors and she is fucking amazing like actually

Thanks for everything, and again, im so fucking sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09, 2021 ⏰

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