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If u cant click the link from here, it'll be on my profile so u can just click that if its easier

You can talk to me here i guess and ill also post schedule changes etc. Im nice i promise, sometimes. 

Also, IstoleTechnosCrown edits for me too now, shes great and really helpful and nice and the best so go follow her. She works alongside this bitch and i hate him mydudedune 

These two are my editors and friends and they help a lot so yeah :D its cause im bad i need em

Also, I'll be frank for once please follow me please. If I hit 1k followers, I'll the be first and only person in the fandom to hit 1k with only one book, which i think is pogchamp so u guys should go do it please, maybe. Idk i shamelessly self promote why not idc i lost my dignity a long time ago

I promise ill write something after this too i swear please-

This is not formal, like all of my authors notes lol. Ill delete this in like a week and summarize the whole thing in the next chapters [A/N] i guess idk tbh

Free the Game, Beat the End [DreamNotFound]Where stories live. Discover now