Chapter 19

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It seemed  like a victory.

The hunter's numbers were decreasing, things were starting to look up.

And George wasn't dead yet, so that was a plus.

The group within the nether was almost completely finished off, players were just starting to clean up and head back towards the spawner.

Finally, it was over.

The bloodbath was done.

The hunters had stopped respawning, their numbers had stopped replenishing.

Most of them didn't even know the respawn anchors were broken and were being as risky as ever only to be put back at spawn point instead.

There was no way for them to run back on time, they were finally safe.

So why did no one feel that way?

Why was George still on edge? Why was his heart still racing like there was no tomorrow? Why was that familiar sense of fear still trailing behind him?

Maybe it was those daunting black hearts in his hotbar, or maybe it was the fact that they were yet to count the deaths.

All he knew was that it wasn't over.

The battle wasn't won until enough blazes were dead and the rods were secured. They weren't anywhere close to safe until every last hunter was dead.

But their situation had changed drastically, and definitely in a good way.

"How many are left?" Dream asked the man in front of him, it was Illumina, and he was searching through the now empty room and taking stuff from the hunter's old chest.

He was in all black, his face entirely covered besides his eyes, and it was almost impossible to tell what he was thinking. "I'd say maybe 100 left astray here in the nether." He replied. "They all split up though, I sent half to go after them and kill them off, and the other half are starting to safety proof the spawner."

Half wasn't a lot, it sounded way more than it actually was. Thousands were injured and unable to fight, and thousands more were occupied in the overworld.

Still they outnumbered the hunters by a landslide.

George just sat there, listening in to their conversation. They were both the heads of their respective bases, and it was supposed to be somewhat of a quick status meeting, but he was dragged here anyways, Dream refusing to leave him alone.

"And how's the med center?" Dream asked.

"Safe." The other replied. "Well guarded, and the new injuries from the earlier battle have already been sent there."

Dream ran a hand through his hair, lightly rubbing the back of his neck. "So it's looking fine right?"

"Mostly, but we're trying not to be complacent." Butted in another voice. He was wearing a neon green block-like head imprinted with strange smiley faces on it. In real life he would've looked absolutely ridiculous, but it certainly wasn't the strangest skin George had seen.

"The overworld group is still fighting though." The man, whose name tag read 'Fruitberries', continued. "They aren't done yet, but it's looking like they'll beat them soon. After all, the beds are already broken."

George hummed a small smile, feeling relieved once again. From what he heard that's where Sapnap and Bad had gone, and it seemed they would be safe. Finally they would be safe.

But no one felt that way.

"We're going to transport the injured back to the overworld once all the hunters there have been killed." Illumina added. "It should be safer there than over here."

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