Chapter 7

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"Dream, are you sure you read that correctly?" Sapnap asked again, seemingly for the hundredth time that day, causing Dream to roll his eyes. 

Dream still kept his focus and view ahead they galloped side by side on horses heading towards the spawn point. "Yes, yes, I did." He replied, trying not to sound too annoyed. 

The moment he read the message he began to panic, telling Sapnap to rush and have people ready their horses. 

If he didn't hurry, there was a chance George could be killed. 

Killed by the same people who killed Technoblade.

Dream winced at the thought, tightening his mask and pushing his horse to gallop faster, when he spotted a few name tags in the distance. 

"Sapnap, enemies!" Dream called out, bringing out his bow, and Sapnap nodded, pulling out an axe and rushing towards them. 

Dream grunted in annoyance. He needed to get to spawn as soon as possible, and wasn't particularly fond of having to deal with people on the way. 

From what he could see they weren't even wearing armor, confusing Dream at the possibility of a trap.

He aimed his bow, straight at one of their heads. He'd kill them, he'd make it quick. 

But his shot missed, and hit the player in his leg, gaining him a loud high pitched scream from the other end. 

One that sounded far too familiar to Dream.

He squinted through his mask, flooded with both relief and guilt as he read the name tag. 

"G-george?" Dream whispered, meaning to yell but it came out with his voice soft and full of uncertainty. No one heard him, Sapnap switching to his bow, and Purpled barricading off a wounded George. 

Dream got off of his horse running towards the trio in front of him. "George!" He called out again, this time in an actual yell, causing everyone around him to look towards Dream in surprise. 

George, shot up at the mention of his name, immediately recognizing the voice.

Dream's voice. 

"Wait what!?" Sapnap said, withdrawing his weapon and squinting at the names. "What the hell, it's George! A-and Bad too!" 

Bad ran out from behind the tree he had been getting wood from (in hopes of quickly crafting a sword to fight back). "Oh my God, it's you muffins!" 

They ran towards each other Bad giving both Dream and Sapnap a big hug, their relieved smiles showing on their faces.

George was barely able to stand up, limping due to the arrow in his leg. Yet that wasn't even the main thing on his mind, as he saw his friends in front of them. 

He did it. He found them. 

Or they had found him rather. 

He felt himself run out of breath, slowly, painfully gripping unto some blocks. Dream heard him, and quickly turned around to run towards the Brit, grabbing his hands as a way for George to to balance. 

"I'm so sorry George!" He said wincing as he took a closer look at the wound. It was a deep and powerful shot, and Dream cursed himself for being so good with the bow. 

But George didn't respond, as he seemingly clinged onto Dream for dear life. He had forgotten the fact that he had never seen Dream before, and here he was standing right in front of him, his arm out for George to hold and maintain his balance. "George are you okay?" Sapnap asked, but it came without a response.

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