Chapter 1

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George silently read the emails he received. 

He couldn't believe it, at this point he could barely understand any words they were saying. None of it made sense, seemed like a bunch of stupidly put together excuses to him.

"So what'd they say, George?" Bad, asked speaking through teamspeak. 

George had been so focused on the emails he had almost forgot Bad was there. He jolted slightly at his name before refocusing his attention on both Bad's question and the email. 

It was an email straight from Mojang about his request to be logged into the game. 

The request denied. 

"A bunch of crap." He answered, evidently frustrated. 

Its almost as if both of them could sense Badboyhalo about to yell 'language' but he obviously stopped himself sensing the mood of the situation.

Bad hesitated for a bit before speaking. "What did those muffins say?" He asked his voice full of concern. 

George let out a sigh. "I don't know!" He exclaimed, close to yelling. "A bunch of nonsense about my skill not being good enough!" The hurt was evident in his voice as he double checked the email. "Said something about limited devices, and that my constant volunteering is appreciated or some shit." 

"Language!" Bad spilled out unable to help it. "But your right, you're literally so good at the game, I don't get why they won't let you in the server."

"Exactly!" George replied. "I just don't understand. The devices are being mass produced, and so many players are being sent in. Even those who aren't that good or whom no one has ever heard of before!" He complained. "It makes no sense why they won't just let me in."

George let out a defeated sigh, scrolling through the minecraft website. The website now featuring a large hall of fame, of all those in the game, all those who had jumped in, and all those who had-

George seemingly swallowed air as he couldn't bear the thought. The thought of his friends dying, just like that, without him. The thought of him losing them, was too much for him to bear. 

"Well, I think those muffins should stop being so stubborn." Bad said in agreement. 

George just sighed. He scrolled through the website looking under the 'invited' page where in he could see all those who were sent requests to join. "It seems almost every content creator is here but me." George pointed out. "This is so stupid, it's like they're purposely avoiding me."

Bad nodded in agreement, though George couldn't see him. 

He scrolled through the 'dead' page, silently paying respects to the usernames of those he saw. 

"How long have you been requesting?" Bad questioned. "Two weeks right, since Dream got in?"

George mumbled a yes as he continued to scroll through the page, stopping slightly as he read the name again. 

It had been a week since Technoblade had died, yet no one could still comprehend it. Once known as probably the best player in the world, was now gone. 

George still couldn't fully register it either, getting worried at the mere thought of that happening to Dream too. 

Dream could do it, he could survive.

But so could Technoblade, and there his name stood, in the center of the hall of fame. 

George wanted more than anything to be in there. To fight by Dream's side, and stick with him. Knowing he was there without him, made George feel admittedly worse than he should've felt. 

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