Chapter 20

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George had no idea how to feel.

They had won.

He had killed Xeno- the man who'd caused so many problems for him- with his own hands. He felt guilty for doing so, but he always did.

And the hunters were all dead. The ones in the overworld had been killed, and the ones in the nether were all finished off and taken care of. All of the injured were safely transferred back to the overworld, and the rest were in the nether, still fighting the blazes, but with the weight of the hunters' presence finally lifted off their shoulders.

This was it, it's what they've been working for, what they had risked everything for.

They were so much closer now, so much closer to beating the game. They had basically secured the blaze rods and the spawners; there were no hunters in sight.

They had won.

They had won, with 4,000 deaths and a broken friendship.

They had won, but it wasn't a victory. It never was.

George sighed, resting his head against the tree behind him.

He couldn't comprehend his own emotions, feeling as if his mind was sinking deeper and deeper, it was almost like an endless ocean, an ocean that was nothing but his thoughts. His never ending, ever changing thoughts.

Everything was piling up on him, all his sudden realizations and questions, finally answered.

And it wasn't even Dream to tell him.

He took deep breaths, taking in the time alone he finally had.

He couldn't face his friends, he just couldn't.

From the moment they had gotten back to the overworld, George hadn't spoken to Dream, Dream hadn't spoken to him. He just ran off into the dark oak forest to recollect his thoughts.

There were no attempts between the two were ever made to start a conversation.

And he couldn't have gone to Sapnap and Bad for advice either. They were both back inside the nether, they were both still risking their lives.

Besides, he didn't want to talk to Sapnap, because he knew. Just like Dream, he knew why he was kept out of the game.

He knew and he didn't tell him. They all knew and they all never told him.

It was too much, too much rushing down on him.

Their trust was broken, and both of them knew it.

He wanted to be angry at Dream, he already was. He couldn't quite tell if this anger was right, if it was justified, but that didn't matter to him. He didn't want to think about it anymore.

If anything, he was more hurt.

Hurt because he was shoved away from the game, kept away from doing anything at all. Secrets were hidden from him, from the friends he trusted, from the friends he thought trusted him.

Hurt because they never told him anything, hurt because he knew nothing.

People doubted him, his own best friend doubted him, at this point, he even doubted himself.

His breaths were shaky, as he leaned onto the tree behind him. He was so tempted to cry, to let all his emotions drip out.

God, he had so many emotions to let out, so many things he was bottling in.

He was always bottling it in wasn't he? He was always pretending. They were always pretending.

Pretending that they were fine, pretending it was nothing. Shoving away the conflict to deal with it later, holding it in because they  didn't want to face the risks.

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