Chapter 2

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Dream have to had respawned. 

That was the only thing Bad and George could think of, but it still made little to no sense. If you could respawn, then how on earth would people die. If you could respawn, death wouldn't have even been an issue. People die when they are killed. 

But for some reason Dream had gotten a second life. 

And he wasn't the only one. Multiple players seemingly at random were still alive though the records had shown that they had already died. 

George would spend his days glued to the website, checking on random player's records watching how everyone did with in the game. 

There were in fact a select few players who were still alive, despite the aforementioned deaths. 

But it was rare. Very very rare. And George hadn't a slightest clue on how and what determined it. 

If only he could communicate with those with in the game, but many people had already tried it, deeming it to be an impossible feat.

He groaned in annoyance almost ready to throw his phone on a wall. It had been days and they were still denying his request to volunteer.

There was absolutely nothing he could do from here, but watch. 

George would keep reminding himself that his friends were fine. They were both pros, well and alive who could take care of themselves. But every so often it would cross his mind. 

Dream had died. 

He had already died, and from the records he saw barely anyone respawned more than once.

So pained him to think he could do absolutely nothing but watch and hope. George had to get into the game, no matter what he had to. 

He just didn't know how he was going to accomplish that. 

He needed access to the device that would transmit his brain waves into the server, but it seems Mojang wouldn't budge. 

That was when he noticed a tweet. 

A tweet from none other than DanTDM himself.

And so he was going to do something very very stupid. 


A day later George pulled over to what he assumed was Dan's house. 

As an experienced programmer and coder he was able to determine his address through tons of research. 

Most would call it stalking-but he had no time to think about that now. 

He got out of the car, making his way toward the doorstep and rang the doorbell, recalling the plan in his head. 

Dan had been offered an invitation into the game, but George knew he wasn't going to take it. Why?

He had a son. 

The door opened and the famous Youtuber stepped out examining George. He just stood there awkwardly letting out a cautious laugh.  

"Uhm, excuse me do I know you?" He asked.

George cursed under his breath. This would have definitely been a lot easier if he was recognized immediately but he would have to make do. 

"I'm not sure if you've heard of me, but I'm George, GeorgeNotFound." 

It seemed something clicked in Dan's mind as he eyed him. "Oh, yes I've heard of you. What are you doing here, and wait how did you know where I lived?!"

George ignored his question, chuckling awkwardly.  "I want to take your place." He announced. 

There was no context in his statement, but both knew exactly what he meant. Still Dan was unsure. "In?"

"Minecraft." George answered bluntly. He would normally dance around the topic more, but this was his one and only shot. 

George bit his lip as Dan invited him in his house, hoping this wouldn't fail. He was never the biggest fan of taking to people he wasn't close to or didn't know either.

Dan's house was pretty big to put it lightly. He was one of the highest earning Youtubers out there so it didn't surprise him, just made him slightly more nervous.

Dan's tweet was basically announcing his invitation, and asking his fans whether or not he should join, and opinions were mixed. 

Some wanted to assure his safety and others wanted him to join the fight. As a huge figure in the community his presence there would likely add more hope into the situation, but joining a game of death wasn't that easy. 

But Dan was such a famous figure in the community. He had a device ready for him whenever and if ever he decided he wanted to go. 

But he had people who needed him here, in the real world, and George had someone he need to get to in there. Which was why, to George this made perfect sense to him. 

They both sat down across each other in Dan's living room, both staying quiet for a bit as George quickly went through what he was going to say and Dan reviewed the situation."Why do you need to take my place?" Dan suddenly asked. "Surely you have your own slot right?"

"Mojang keeps making weird excuses about my being there." George said. "They don't want me in the game for some reason." 

"Are you sure it isn't just skill?" 

He winced at the half-insult. "No, I would say I'm definitely above average at the game." George argued. He could feel his hand shaking slightly. "But they are still denying my continuous requests."

"Then I'm sorry I don't think there's anything I can do." Dan said, which only made George flinch. "How do you even know I'm not going to use my slot." 

"Because you have people here, just like I do in there!" George said, voice more full of conviction. "I need to get in, I can't just keep sitting here-"

Dan just eyed him, unable to come up with anything to say. He was only a few years older than George, and could clearly understand what he was going through. 

"I know you feel guilty," George then spilled out. "You feel guilty that your unable to help in a situation like this, so let me do it!" He yelled. "I can go in your place, as my own decision, and I'll do what you can't-"

Dan paused looking at him. His eyes full of desperation, almost like a child would be. 

"You would get the chance to help me, and everyone else, sending me in. I'll find my friends, and I promise I'll go in there and beat the game!" George claimed. 

"You do know once you go in you can't go back out until the game is beaten right?" Dan reminded in an attempt to sway him. 

George gave a quick nod. 

It was an absurd claim to say he could beat the game, a stupidly difficult claim. But Dan saw something in his eyes. The same thing he saw when he first looked at his wife, and that's when it clicked.

George was chasing something, something he didn't even know he was chasing. 

Dan caved in with a sigh. 

"Tomorrow, meet me at the London Hospital, I'll get you in the server."


I chose Dan for this, because one he sort of recently had a son, and two he was my childhood. Like my childdhoodddd, so I kinda put him here as tribute, plus I know the dream team knows of him since he was mentioned in their streams once.

Also I don't rlly like this chapter lol

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