Chapter 3

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George took a deep breath as he waited for Dan to show up.

Bad was already at his local hospital, and if all went well he should already be in game.

The plan was for Bad to jump in first and for George to get in only a few hours after at most, that way they wouldn't be separated for very long within the server. 

George tensed up as he waited. A part of him was optimistic, thrilled that he would finally get to reunite and see his best friend again, but a part of him was full of worry. Dream himself had died with in the game, and countless others had too, and now a part of George was in doubt. 

What if Mojang didn't want George in the server because he actually was just that bad at the game. It was a thought that came a bit to late. 

George slouched back further into his chair. Now was definitely not the time to be worrying about stuff like that. 

From the corner of his eye he noticed vibrant blue hair and walked over to greet him. 

Dan took notice of him and waved up a hand. "Hey man, you ready?" 

George gave him a smile, and a semi-determined nod. "I mean I better be." He replied. He took a quick glance at the clock. 3 pm, Bad should've logged in about two hours ago. 

When he looked back at Dan, he was already speaking to the counter to ready the device. 

Reminder to self: thank this man with all your heart.

"Yes, my name is Dan Middleton." He said as he reached out to grab the paper he had to sign. To avoid legal issues he slid it under the table to have George sign it instead. He did, and as inconspicuously as possible handed it back to him. 

George's heart was now beating faster than he would've liked it to have, as the attendant gave him a questioning look. 

"Excuse me, but may I ask who this is?" 

Dan just played it off like how they agreed to. "Oh, he's my nephew, wanted to come with me to see me off." 

George cringed a little at the word nephew. He would much have rather chosen the word friend, but they both knew that though the age difference was 5 years, George looked a whole lot younger than Dan and they couldn't risk arising suspicion.

The attendant politely nodded as she escorted them both to the room they needed. They walked through a long hallway in a very specific part of the hospital. 

Each room they passed contained a victim of the glitch. Each room they passed contained a life which could fade away at any moment. 

The fact that George was soon to be apart of that group, began to frighten him. 

The attendant then stopped leading them both in Dan's intended room. It was fairly big, and completely white, with a pretty large bed for hospital standards situated in the middle. Next to it lied the device, helmet like, but attached to an absurd amount of wires. The layout was obviously designed differently for those who were only victims, and for those willingly logged in.

George studied it as much as he could with in the given time. Glancing at the nearby computer in order to see how the code should work and which should be connected to what. 

The machine looked complicated. George tried as much as possible to not have too many expectations about it as to not arise disappointment or panic. 

This it was certainly going to be difficult.

"Please ready up the machine." Dan said, as the nurses and doctors went to work. 

George needed to observe what they were doing to learn the exact coding of the device, if not there was a high likelihood he would just glitch out or remain in Dan's account.

He had done tons of research on the device, though not much about it was even put up online. He'd have to rely mostly on his knowledge and instinct, which he was slowly doubting by the second.

When the doctors had it all set up, they looked up at Dan. "Okay, please lie down here." 

He nodded stepping onto the bed. It was easier to put on than they had both expected, just slid on like a helmet, so when George gave Dan the go signal he spoke. 

"I just want to speak to my nephew privately first please." He requested. 

The doctors looked at each other nodding. "Alright you have 5 minutes." The head confirmed as they left.

So now George felt like he was about to have a heart attack. 

Dan scrambled out of the machine, as George frantically looked through the devices code, switching things like the account name, password and skin. 

"Skin, how would that even work?" George questioned himself in a whisper. He felt his hands shaking, careful not to make a typo. 

A typo could cost him his life. 

And Dan took several pictures of the machine so he could put George in it. George took a deep breath as he finished altering the code. 

"Okay, its done." He announced running towards the bed. He jumped in observing the wires. 

It worked by stimulating the wearer's consciousness into the game, meaning he would likely be able to fear and experience pain.

He tensed up, remembering the electric shock challenge he did a while back. George was definitely not very pain tolerant.

They both glanced at the clock. 

Two minutes, they had two minutes. 

Dan gave the device to George as he shoved it on, while taking second glances at his code. He took a deep breath. If he was going to doubt himself he should have done it weeks ago. 

He watched as Dan looked through the controls. "That's the power button by the way." George pointed out. 

Dan nodded, a slight smile making his way to his face, seemingly amused by George's what?



Perhaps you could call it determination. 

"You sure about this?" He said finalizing the last switches. 

George's face didn't falter though, as he let out a deep breath. "Yeah, I am." He confirmed. A part of him contemplated asking Dan if he was sure too, because sending George in instead could potentially pose a lot of implications for him. 

But he couldn't afford Dan second guessing his choice, choosing to be slightly selfish, he decided against it. 

"Thanks by the way." George sighed as he closed his eyes, ready to be transported. 

"Your welcome." Dan answered. "And, good luck."

"Thanks again." George said getting a bit more comfortable. His thoughts wandering off to the mysteries of the game and what was in it, his pulse increasing slightly at the thought of seeing-

"Who is it?" Dan blurted out, unable to handle his curiosity. 

George tensed up again, not noticing the blush forming on his face. "W-what do you mean?" George said in a stutter. "Who's what?"

Dan shook his head holding in a smile of amusement. "Never mind," He shrugged with a laugh. just please don't die." 

George let out a giggle. "I won't."

And as the doors burst open and the doctors and nurses flooded into the room in panic, George closed his eyes again for the final time. 

Who is it? 

What a stupid question. 

It's no one. 

No one at all.

Except maybe -just maybe- it was the silly green blob that found his way into George's Dreams. 

Just maybe.

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