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Many days pass by as Hinata tries to figure out the map on the scroll that she found.

"What is this map? I don't understand these symbols," said Hinata frustrated.

"What map?" asked Suigetsu all of the sudden.

Hinata was shocked and drop the scroll. Suigetsu pick it up and stared at it strangely, it was just a blank scroll.

"There's nothing. What are you talking about just now?"

"I'm... just talking to myself. I was just thinking if someone knows the map....ahh.... to... to the nearest village. That's all," said Hinata to cover up as she took the scroll back.

"Ahhh now I understand. You must have heard about that right?" Asked Suigetsu.

"About what?"

"There's a village around this area that is known for fortune-telling. From what I heard, there is one old lady who is a famous fortune-teller. Everything she predicts always comes true," said Suigetsu excitedly.

"Don't tell me you believe in that kind of thing, Hinata," said Sasuke as he went out of his room.

"It's not like that. I just...I thought it might be fun," said Hinata trying to hide the scroll.

"See Sasuke. Even Hinata knows how to have a little fun. You are too cold-blooded. That is why you're a boring person," said Suigetsu carelessly.

Sasuke eyed him and said, "I think you should know how I have fun."

He suddenly unsheathed his sword and swing it to Suigetsu's neck. Suigetsu quickly ducked to avoid the attack.

"ARE YOU NUTS, SASUKE?!!! YOU ALMOST KILLED ME!!" screamed Suigetsu.

"I'm just showing you how I have fun," said Sasuke as he put back his sword.

Karin and Juugo laughed at the situation.

"Hinata, if you want to go to the village, I can show you the way. As Suigetsu said, that old fortune-teller is quite famous, so you should head to the village early if you want to meet her," said Karin.

"Oh, no. That's okay. I was just curious that's all," said Hinata as she swings her hand. She didn't expect that what she said could lead to this. 

"Come on, Hinata. Let's go. Even I want to see that old lady," said Suigetsu. 

"You know what, I have a training session with Sasuke later. So, maybe next time, okay?" said Hinata trying to avoid going. 

"Just cancel the training, so you two can have fun together," said Sasuke sarcastically.

"See... even Sasuke wants you to go," said Suigetsu.

Hinata really don't have any choice as Karin and Suigetsu dragged her outside. She looked at Sasuke as if wanting him to stop them but he just smile and said, "Have fun then. A boring person like me should not interfere."

Hinata sneers at Sasuke as she curses him silently. Sasuke let out a small laugh and went inside his room.

The three of them walked toward the village. As soon as they arrived, there was a festival happening in the village.  Excitedly, they went to many places and eat all kinds of food. Buzzing with people here and there, somehow Hinata got separated from Karin and Suigetsu.

"Hey, guys I think we should head home now. It getting darker," said Hinata not knowing that she was alone. 

"Karin? Suigetsu?" Hinata looked left and right as she was looking for them. 

Then, it starts raining heavily. Hinata ran towards a shop to shelter from the rain. She stands under the store's roof, wiping her wet face as she was thinking about how to find those two. 

The door of the shop swing opened and, "Oh my. You're all wet. Aren't you cold?" The shop owner talked to Hinata.

Hinata was quite startled and just smiled.

"Just come inside, young lady. I have hot tea to warm you up," said the shop owner leaving the door open. Hinata went inside and was handed a small towel to wipe her face.

"Thank you for the towel," said Hinata.

"Don't mention it. Do sit at the table. I will bring you the tea," the shop owner walked inside her kitchen and carried a cup of hot tea. "Here you go. Be careful. It's still hot."

"You really don't have to do this. But I do appreciate it. Thank you," said Hinata.

The shop owner sat across from Hinata and begin to talk.

"You are not from this village, are you?"

"No. I'm just visiting this village with my friends."

"With the festival going on, it's normal to get separated, right?"

"Yeah, I... I got separated from my friends. I'm worried about how to find them later."

"You don't have to worry. They will come here."

"Eh?? Ahh...o-okay," said Hinata as she slowly sip the tea.

"You seem to have something unsettle inside you. Mind to share with me?"

"I'm just thinking about my friends, that's all."

"Oh really. I thought you were thinking about a map inside the scroll that you found."

"What?! How do you know about that?" shocked Hinata.

The shop owner didn't utter a single word. 

"I... I think I should go now," said Hinata as she felt scared.

"Stay." The shop owner directed her. "Young lady, it seems to me that you lost something."

"Lost something?"

"Yes, something really important. Something that you should know from your past. It will change everything. Your future will not be the same. The past will haunt you. But don't worry. Someone will be there for you. That person will give it back to you. That something you lost. One day you-"

Suddenly Hinata stands up, with a pale face, she said, "I... I'm s-sorry but I really have to go." Hinata walked to the door, swing it open and she was shocked. Karin and Suigetsu were there in front of her. 

"Hinata. There you are. We're looking all over for you. What are you doing here?" said Karin.

"Nothing. Let's just go away from here," said Hinata trembling.

As she takes a step outside, the shop owner said, "Young lady, soon as you leave this village, take a good look at the sign on the village gate. That place is much closer than you think" 

Hinata closed the door and looked at Karin. 

"What's wrong Hinata? You don't look so good," asked Karin.

"Were you guys outside this store this whole time?" asked Hinata.

"What are you soon as we arrive at the store, you swing open the door in front of us," explain Suigetsu. 

"What? Then how does she know?" said Hinata.

"She?? Who? The shop owner?" said Karin.

"Ahhh...I don't want to think about it. Come on, let's go," said Hinata as she walked faster.

As they went through the village gate, Hinata look back at the sign. She stops with a shocked face. The sign has the symbol that she saw on the map. 

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