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"Stupid Sasuke. For all the thing I did for him, he appreciate nothing. What am I even hoping for? I myself knew what kind of person he is," said Hinata as soon as she get out of the Uchiha district.

Hinata was quite dissapointed with Sasuke. He didn't summon her for quite a long time and finally when she got to see him, he acted like she's just a nuisance to him.

"Am I nothing to him?" said Hinata as she dropped her face and sighed.

Hinata walked around the village to calm herself and notice a group of ninja run passed her. She ignored it as she entered a flower shop.

"Hey, Hinata. What bring you here?" Ino greeted her.

"Nothing, just looking around," said Hinata.

"Usually at time like this, you would be at the usual training place at the forest. Why? Get sick of the training and all?" said Ino as she giggled a bit.

Hinata let out a small laugh and said,  "No. I had something to take care of."

"Is it important?" asked Ino.

"Yes- ah.. I mean its not that important actually.  That 'something' can handle things on its own. So I was just wasting my time," said Hinata sarcastically.

Hinata was still annoyed with what had happen. She brushed off that feeling and said, "Well, I'm going to start my training now. See you later," as she walked to the door.

"Ok. Oh, let me open that door for you," said Ino as she walked passed Hinata.

Hinata smiled and stepped outside the flower shop.

"Thank you, Ino. Next time I-"

"Hey, Naruto! Why so fast? Where are you going?" Ino suddenly cut off Hinata words as she saw Naruto running.

Naruto stopped near Hinata and said, "I got to go now. I heard someone saw Sasuke inside this village."

"What? Sasuke?! Y-you better go now.  Wait, Naruto.. be careful okay," said Ino.

Naruto went ahead and Ino notice Hinata was different as if she was frozen to the ground.

"Hinata, what's wrong? You didn't move a muscle."

"I-I have to go back," said Hinata as her face turn white.

"Go back? From where?"

Hinata didn't even answered Ino questions and started running.

"For what I'm going back?"Hinata said that but her feet still running. "Its his fault if they found him... but he can't get caught and he is sick... Why am I like this?! Argh! I hate myself" said Hinata as she run towards to the forbidden district.

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