Chapter 6 - Dark Memories

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Y/N was asleep with Yang it was nice but it turned as bad memories flooded in from missions in the U.S.S especially when he had to take out the entire family of a betraying employee who tried to give samples off viruses to the police to get Umbrella shut down. It played the nightmares over and over their screams and crying he had to gun them all down cause they were too dangerous to let live. There were times when he was awake and seeing things like bioweapons that tried to kill him or zombies but they were never there. He hasn't had a long nights rest till he arrived in Remement he doesn't want to leave but some thing tells him he has to eventually it got worse as the night went on getting scenes of RWBY getting killed because of him he wants to prevent it. Eventually it ended when he was woken up by Yang in the morning.

Yang: "Y/N wake up what's wrong!"

She wakes him up.

Y/N: "W-what?" He shot up in to Yangs arms being out of breath and sweaty.

They hugged each other as Yang helped him relax and calm down as they spoke for a while and laid together for the rest of the day.

(I'm back for Chapter 6 now well wait for Chapter 7 in another month or two)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now