Chapter 1 A New World

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HUNK: Mmmm what happened?

HUNK: Command, come in command.

COMMAND: *static*

HUNK: Damn.

*HUNK looks around*

HUNK: Hmmmm.

HUNK: This isn't Raccoon City.

*HUNK looks around to see grass and trees*

*HUNK stands up*

*HUNK hears footsteps*

HUNK: Who's there!

HUNK: I heard you so come out

*HUNK pulls out an Umbrella standard pistol*

*four figures come out from behind trees*

*HUNK points his gun at them*

HUNK: Who are you four?

Ruby: Um hi my name is Ruby.

Ruby: And these are my teammates.

*Ruby points to the yellow haired female*

Ruby: This is my sister Yang.

Yang: Hi I'm Yang.

*HUNK felt his heart skip a beat when he looked Yang*

HUNK: Weird *said quietly*

*Ruby points and a white haired female and a black haired female*

Ruby: This white haired girl is Weiss!

Weiss: Hi, I am Weiss Schnee heiress to the Schnee Dust Company.

HUNK: Dust? *said quietly*

Ruby: This is Blake!

Blake: Blake.

Ruby: h-heh don't worry she just doesn't trust you all too much so she isn't opening up yet.

Ruby: Sooooooooo you um came from the are you okay????

HUNK: Surprisingly I'm fine.

HUNK: So where am I?

HUNK: This isn't Raccoon City.

Ruby: Raccoon City?

Ruby: Well you are in Remenant.

HUNK: Remenant?

Weiss: Yeah Remenant what do you live under a rock or something?

Ruby: Weisssss that wasn't nice.

Ruby: I'm so sorry sir she is just.........cranky.

Weiss: Hey!

HUNK: Whatever it's fine.

Yang: So you came from the sky and hit the ground with a Yang!

*yang starts giggling*

*HUNK chuckles*

Yang: So I've never seen you before or your armor.

Weiss: Yeah I've never seen that armor either?

Ruby: We can talk about that later.

Ruby: Ozpin needs to see you sir.

HUNK: Ozpin?

Weiss: Wow you really have been living under a rock!

Yang: *hits Weiss on the shoulder*

Weiss: Ow! Hey!

Blake: Let's just take him back to Ozpin.

*timeskip to Ozpin's office*

*3rd person P.O.V*

Ozpin: So I've seen that you've fallen from the sky.

HUNK: Yes and I don't know where I am.

HUNK: So mind telling me?

Ozpin: Well you are in the land of Remnant, and this is my school Beacon.

Ozpin: With that........would you like to join my school?


*HUNK looks over at team Rwby*

*Ruby gives a thumbs up, Yang is giggling at a pun she made, Weiss has an irritated look on her face because of Yang's pun, and Blake is reading a book*

*HUNK looks at Ozpin*

HUNK: Why not.

Ruby: Yay! New Friend!

Yang: Cool.

Weiss: Hmp!

Blake: Whatever.

Ozpin: Very well then.

Ozpin: Welcome to Beacon Mr?

HUNK: Call me HUNK.

Ozpin: Mr. HUNK these lovely young girls will give you a tour of the school.

Ozpin: Since you just joined you will live with team RWBY in their dorm until we can get you your own dorm.

HUNK: Ok then.

Ruby: New roommate!

*Ruby tries to hug him but Yang holds her back*

Yang: Calm down little sis.

Weiss: WHAT!

Blake: Ok

Weiss: With all do respect sir I don't think we can trust this man!

Ozpin: You may not but I do.

*Weiss then proceeds to storm out of the room*

HUNK: Wow.

Yang: Heh sorry about her she gets pretty feisty.

HUNK: Its fine I've dealt with worse.

Ruby: Time for the tour!

HUNK: Alright.

Blake I'm going to the dormroom to read.

*Blake walks away*

*Ruby and Yang proceed to show HUNK around*

*Ruby then smells cookies*

*Ruby runs to the smell*

HUNK: Uhhhhhh.

Yang: She smells cookies she loves them.

Yang: She won't be back till she ate all of them.

HUNK: Alright I guess it's just us.

*Yang shows HUNK around the rest of the school ending the tour*

Yang: Well that's Beacon.

HUNK: Pretty big place.

Yang: Yeah overwhelming at first but you get used to it.

HUNK: I think I'll like it here.

Yang: Well get settled in I gotta go.

HUNK: Where are you going?

Yang: I gotta find Ruby before she eats every cookie in the world.

Yang: Bye.

HUNK: Bye.

HUNK: Well that was interesting.


(End of chapter 1)

(Chapter 2 comes out when it does and if you are wondering HUNK in this story is a Y/N so you are HUNK instead of HUNK in the games and comics)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now