Chapter - 7

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(I'm sorry for the last chapter being so short but I'm back after a long wait. Also if you see me write similar scenes to the show and not the same dialogue I don't remember RWBY exactly so I'm doing improv here anyways let's get in to it!)


Y/N and WBY were currently in the cafeteria eating when Ruby shows up with a humongous book of ideas of fun things to do and slams it on the table.

Ruby: "ALLLLLLRIGHT! I've noticed lately every one has been quite boring recently so I've taken the time to plan and schedule many fun things we can do to make the most of our beacon school year!"

Weiss looks through the absurdly large book with confusion.

Weiss: "This all sounds like a waste of time Why don't we just study?" Weiss spoke with an annoyed look on her face.

Yang: "Come on Ice Queen it could be fun you can release some of your stubbornness." She nudged Weiss a bit.

Blake looked through it with a blank stare till she came across 'Go to a Sushi restaurant' and she pointed at it.

Blake: "I wanna do that!" She exclaimed showing off some of her 'cat'-like love for fish.

Ruby looked at the page about a Sushi Restaurant and nodded happily.

Ruby: "Awesome! I heard that place is really good you can even offer whole fish dinners there!"

Blake was almost salivating at the though of an entire fish to eat as her bow twitched on her head almost looking like ears.

Weiss: "I guess it doesn't sound that bad. We can try it.'

Y/N: "Sushi? I don't think I've ever tried sushi before but I'm open to trying it." He nods.

Ruby: "How about tonight? After classes and we'll go hit the town and get some sushi!" She happily exclaimed as he raised her fist.

Y/NWBY: "Yeah!" They all exclaimed together as they raised their fists.

Throughout the day and their classes Blake was very excited and could barely focus on them as she just wanted to eat fish. Ruby was also excited that she was able to use one of her plans as she was just happy to be spending time with her friends.

*Time skip!*

Everyone was now ready to leave to find the sushi restaurant as everyone was dressed casually as they went out on a night on the town. They quickly found the restaurant and entered as they were quickly given a booth to sit at and they looked through the menu. Ruby got some newly added 'Cookie Rolls', Yang just got some normal sushi rolls, Y/N got *whatever Sushi you want*, Weiss got some Mistral Rolls, and Blake got the biggest fish dinner she could get. Everyone looked at Blake's meal questioning if she could even eat that but they went on eating quite enjoying it as the food was quickly eaten and it paid for and they left.

Yang: "Man that was so good that restaurant was a Yanger!" She snaps her fingers in to double finger guns.

The rest of the team groans while Y/N laughed a bit at her pun.

Yang: "See! Y/N gets it!" They high five

Weiss: "Well besides Yang's bad excuse for a joke I enjoyed tonight maybe Ruby's book of activities won't be so bad" Ruby was very happy at those words as she hugged Weiss very very tightly.

Blake was happy as well getting to eat that large fish dinner, since she hasn't been able to eat fish that often recently. They all went back to beacon as someone was watching them from a rooftop.

???: "Those pesky children won't know what hit them" They says with a stereotypical evil laugh.

(Chapter 7 done. I hope it was worth the wait! I know not much action has happened but don't worry it will soon. If anyone has any constructive criticism for my story please share! It'll help me write better I hope everyone has a nice day! Nitro out!)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now