Chapter 4

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(Sorry for taking so long!)

*Having a hangover isn't fun at all that's what Y/N and Yang found out the hard way.
Waking up in a dazed and hungover state seeing that he was in a bed with a blonde haired lady. Forgetting what happened last night he assumed he scored a date for the night. He would find out who that lady was when she woke up. As he was a gentleman he didn't wake the woman and let her sleep and waited for her to wake up naturally which wasn't long knowing the time. Seeing the blonde lady wake up to see that it was Yang who was laying on his chest sleeping soundly*

Yang: "Ughhhh what happened?"
She asked before seeing that she's laying on Y/N's chest as she sat up immediately to realize that they were both naked. Yang quickly covered herself and Y/N covered his eyes.

Y/N: "I don't really know but I think we may of"

Yang: Wha?? I-I lost my virginity to you???"

Y/N: I-I'm sorry you probably wanted to give it to the one you loved right?"

Yang: "Y-yeah but if it wasn't a lover you were my top pick."

Y/N: "R-really?"

Yang: "Yep also I feel like I should be angry not...i feel happy."

Y/N: "I feel the same way that's...odd?"

*Yang fires a million questions in to her head wondering why she feels happy but finally realizes that she loves Y/N even though it's only been a month that they've known each other.
Yang loves how much Y/N understands her and would happily listen to every thing she said and she couldn't ask for anyone better.

Yang: "I-I love you Y/N.." *she said while blushing intensely*

Y/N: "I-I love you too Yang."

*said with a smile and a hug leading to a gently kiss and them going back to sleep after proclaiming their love for each other*

(Short i know)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now