Chapter- 10

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(Life has been crazy recently. Sorry for making you all wait)

When the doctors removed the bullet both the police and Y/N noticed it was a custom made bullet, even though the police weren't familiar with any type of ammunition that wasn't dust powered. They wanted to take the bullet to testing and search records for a business who would make that sort of thing. It would take weeks but Yang had other ideas when she heard that.

When the next morning came Y/N wasn't cleared to leave so Yang had to go out alone. She had time to worry and cry, but now it was time to get information. She knew where to start first, Junior's. She was trying to be calm when she entered but some goons put and hand on her shoulder and said,
Goon: "Junior wants to see you."

She follows him to Junior's office in which he was waiting. She entered and he looked at her.

Junior: "What do you want blondie? You know I don't like you coming around here. I only let you in without a problem because of your little boyfriend."

She laughed thinking of that day.

Yang: "Yeah I should thank you. That night really went out with a 'yang!'

She laughs to herself as Junior facepalms. After she finishes with her laughs she hands junior the bullet in a small bag.

Yang: "I came to you for info on this bullet. It's custom and I know you solicit illegal business out the back door. Specifically to due with weaponry so I want an answer and quick." She stared him dead in the eye.

Junior didn't get scared easily but he was a little unnerved seeing her serious.

Junior: "Listen I don't know much currently but I can probably have some info in a few hours quicker if we're lucky. So enjoy the club." He waves her off as she leaves to grab a drink.

In the hospital Y/N sits in his temporary bed with a bandage wrapped around his chest. It still hurt as he thinks of all the people he's fought and worked for.

Y/N: "Who would have a custom bullet? Most likely someone who thought highly of themselves."

He was deep in thought till an officer and a nurse came in to the room.

Nurse: "How are you feeling?" She asks replacing his bandages.

Y/N: "Pretty standard if I'm being honest." He looks over at the officer as he's handed a tablet. It shows scans of the bullet detailing the many interesting design choices as it wasn't made to do kill him.

Officer: "We thought it was a miracle it got stuck in your rip cage. Though now it seems that was intentional, the shooter must've wanted it as a warning shot or a message."

This new info makes Y/N think even more as he tries to rack his brain of possible candidates.

The officer leaves after he said that they're gonna keep searching and will let him know if they find anything.

(Timeskip and now we're back at Junior's bar)

Yang sits drinking a strawberry milkshake waiting for Junior and finally gets told to come back to his office.

Junior: "So I found three possible suspects of who could've made the bullet. They're in different parts of the city though."

Yang: "That's fine I have help." She said referring to her team and the police. She throws him an envelope of Lien. "I'm feeling generous." She leaves and heads back to the hospital on her motorcycle.

(Oh my what could happen next?? Find out next time on Dragon ball z-! I mean my story! I feel like I've made that joke already. Oh well.)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 29, 2022 ⏰

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