Chapter 5

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(Sorry for being too long I've been in a dark place for a while.)

*1 month later.*

Y/N and Yang have kept their relationship to themselves as they weren't ready to tell everyone else yet.

Yang: "I can't believe we are together, I thought you didn't feel the same."

Y/N: "Yeah it feels like a dream that happened years ago but it's only been a month!"

Yang: "Yeah it's been really fun recently and stress relieving but I think the others are to suspect something."

Yang said with a nervous chuckle as she leaned her head on Y/N's shoulder and smiled happily as Y/N laid his head on her's as they enjoyed each other's company.

*2 hours later*

Ruby and Weiss were watching Yang and Y/N as they suspected something between them as they noticed they're always together and they've been investigating them for a while now.

Ruby: "I don't know Weiss my sister has never been that close to a boy before!" She exclaimed with a huff and puffed cheeks.

Weiss: "Well I don't know Ruby I think it's weird too, I think it's gross that she's so close to him! He's a weirdo don't you agree Ruby!??" She said as she stomped the ground.

Ruby: "I don't think that's a nice thing to say Weiss I think he's nice and sweet." She says with an innocent smile.

Weiss: "Maybe but i still don't trust him he just appeared out thin air one day! Now we're expected to accept and trust him like nothing ever happened???!"

Ruby: "You have a point Weiss but he's still nice even though we don't know where he really came from or his backstory!"

Weiss: "You only like him cause he give you your favorite cookies all the time."

Ruby: "Shush! You don't know that...okay fine that's true but it isn't the only reason!"

As they were arguing Blake heard the arguing and walked over to them listening to them as they didn't notice her.

Blake: "You guys are weird also you're very loud. People are trying to study also you two are being creepy talking about them."

Ruby and Weiss got startled by Blake showing up randomly as they jumped back.

Ruby: "Uhhm Blake how long have you been here?"

Blake: "Long enough to understand your conversation."

Weiss: "This is your fault Ruby you started this!" She exclaimed as he pouted and stormed off.

Ruby: "Weiss! Don't leave me!! Uhm I'm sorry Blake I didn't mean to get loud." She said as she bowed to Blake.

Blake: "I don't care it I was just saying."

Ruby: "Oh well sorry Blake I uh have to go." She said as she scurried off.

Blake left after that and went back to their dorm to read her books. As Ruby went to find Weiss, Y/N and Yang were sitting together asleep after a long day.

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now