Chapter 3

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(H/C=Hair color E/C=Eye color S/C=Skin color)

*HUNK walks around Vale as he looks to find somewhere to eat*

HUNK: Is there not a restaurant in this city?

*Yang appears without HUNK noticing*

Yang: Hey I heard you were looking for somewhere to eat!


*HUNK goes in to a fighting stance but sees its Yang*

HUNK: Oh it's you

Yang: Yep, didn't mean to scare you. Sorry about that

HUNK: Heh It's fine I just didn't expect to see you

Yang: Oh ok. Anyways you are looking for somewhere to eat?

HUNK: Yeah I can't seem find one

Yang: Well i know the best place follow me!

*HUNK follows Yang to the "best place" as she calls it*

Yang: Here we are!

*they walk in and sit down*

HUNK: This place is nice

Yang: Yeah it looks nice but it isn't fancy

*a waitress come to get them something to drink and the waitress looks at HUNK weirdly*

HUNK: Is something wrong?

Waitress: N-no it's just your armor..i've never seen anything like it also why are you wearing it in here?

HUNK: Oh heh well I don't take it off a lot cause I don't like people seeing my face

Yang: Well you're gonna have to take it off to eat

HUNK: Yeah that's true

*HUNK takes off his helmet*

*Yang looks at his face*
*Yang thinks to herself* *T-that's not what i expected his t-to look like h-he's good looking*

*she sees HUNK with his H/C colored hair and E/C eyes with his beautiful S/C Skin color*

*Yang blushes*

HUNK: You okay Yang?

Yang: Y-yes!

Waitress: well I'll get you some drinks

*she leaves*

*she later comes back with the drinks and takes their order she walks back and gets their food and gives it to them*

Waitress: I'll leave you two lovebirds alone

*she's goes away*

*Yang and HUNK blush*

*they start eating*

*they later finish eating and pay them leave*

Yang: Oh! I know another place we can go

HUNK: Oh ok take me there then

*Yang takes HUNK to juniors bar*

*they walk in as people point guns at Yang*

*HUNK points his gun around at the guards*

Yang: Hey guys how's it Yanging?

Junior: Blondie what have I told you you can't come back till you've paid your bill

Yang: Junior can't you cut me some slack?

HUNK: How much?

Junior: Well if you'd like to know she owes approximately $1,678 dollars

Yang: What?? I don't remember it being a thousand? I thought it was nine hundred

HUNK: I'll pay it

*HUNK walks and gives Junior the money as Junior counts it*

Junior: Well Blondie looks like your dues have been paid, carry on

Yang: You didn't have to do that

HUNK: I know but i wanted to thank you for the dinner

Yang: But you paid for dinner

HUNK: I know

*they sit down and Yang orders a strawberry shake with alcohol in it*

*HUNK just orders alcohol*

Bartender: Aren't you two a little young to be drinking?

HUNK: Don't think so

Bartender: Alright then

*they continue ordering drinks and get drunk as they both blackout*

(Well that's chapter 3 hoped you enjoyed it and if you are reading this please please read my other stories especially The Story of The Mind Slowly Breaking its a story about me and my life so thank you and goodbye.)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now