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(It's been so long I missed you all. I'm so sorry for leaving but I'm back now.)

The mysterious figure watched over his trench coat flowing with the wind looking badass.

???: "I have found you HUNK. Such a disappointment that you've sided with the enemy." The figure puts their black shades on as they walk away to make a plan.

(Timeskip-2 A.M, brought to you by Raid Shadow Legends)

Y/N laid awake during the night he couldn't shake the feeling that something was coming but he didn't know what. He silently got up by ripping himself from Yang's grasp as gently as he could and went to the bathroom, looking in the mirror he washed his tired face since he need to be alert at all times though Yang has disproved of it many times.

He then felt warm arms slither around his body as he was embraced in a hug. He chuckled a bit as he knew it was Yang.

Yang: "Are you brooding in the mirror again? You're not Ravagerman." She said with a giggle.

Y/N: "Wh- who?" He says confused.

Yang: "You've never seen Ravagerman?? Come here."

She drags him to the TV and sat him down quietly turns it on and showing Y/N ravagerman. They watched the animated series for a few hours making them laugh and sometimes cry. Y/N felt like a kid again watching Saturday morning cartoons which he usually ate during. Yang was enjoying it too especially since she got to cuddle with Y/N, she smiled happily and kissed his cheek. They realized that it was already 4 A.M so Yang turned the TV off and they got up.

They walked back to bed and Y/N looked out of the big window. He then noticed a red laser being shined at his head, Yang saw it as well but was confused then knowing what it was Y/N quickly moved but the laser was quicker as it moved to his chest and a sniper round pierced his chest as he fell to the floor.

The sound woke up the team as Yang was trying to help Y/N as they rushed to his side to keep him awake. Blake looked out the window searching but saw no one not a single trace of the sniper but she joined her teammates by Y/N's side.

Ruby: "Yang what happened???" She said freaking out.

Yang: "H-he was looking out the window a-and there was a laser and he moved but it moved too shooting him."

Weiss tiredly calls for an ambulance as Yang puts pressure on the wound then Goodwitch knocks on the door wondering what the loud sound was. The door opens as she sees Y/N on the floor with a hole in his chest as now she's worried making her enter and asking what happened. She gets the same explanation as the team did as he asks more questions about what she can do and was told to let them know when the ambulance arrived. She looked out and eventually saw it letting team RWBY know. They all left the building while Blake was keeping him awake, his vision was blurry and he couldn't think straight but this was what he felt but when they entered the ambulance he closed his eyes passing out.

(It feels great being back. I hope you all are still interested in this story I'm sorry that this is short, but I'd love to hear all of your feedback it helps me learn and better my writing skills! Please share and vote if y'all want. Love to all peace)

HUNK Male reader x Yang. Resident Evil x RWBYWhere stories live. Discover now