Home alone

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Karls back was slammed into the front door, the rain poured onto their faces. Karl struggled to reach behind him without looking to find the door knob. As he opened the door they continued to back into the house without breaking apart. Karl stepped away to breathe, and also go up the stairs as he knew for sure he would fall if he had to walk up the Stairs backwards. Sapnaps tried his best to keep up with Karl as Karl ran excitedly towards his room giggling. Sapnap was also exited, but shown it in a very different way. As the approached the upstairs, sapnap was speechless at how big Karl's house was. He looked back at karl and smirked. He was suddenly pulled by the cloth of his black turtleneck into the bedroom and the door slammed behind them. Sapnap proceeded to take half of his clothing off. Leaving him standing in the middle in the room shirtless with just his jeans left on. Karl was lost for words as he stared at sapnaps defined body.

Sapnap started fast walking towards Karl and picked him up, wrapping his legs around his waist. He placed Karl onto his computer desk, the computer turned on from the movement of his mouse, shining a bright light onto Karl's bare back. They continued to make out, feeling each other up and down. Small moans emerged from Karl slightly parted lips, making sapnaps proud smile wider and wider. Karl placed his hand behind him to keep him up, accidentally pressing the unmute button he had on his keyboard. Big mistake. Karls moans became louder and louder and sapnaps kisses went further down onto his neck and then his chest. As sapnap became closer to Karl's lower part of his body, he heard quiet fits of laughter and shouting which sounded like "Karl" from a pair of headphones that lay on the table. Sapnap perked his head up with wide eyes, confusing Karl. "What's wrong?" Karl mumbled, still flustered and incredibly drunk. The loud silence filled the room, then Karl heard it. The familiar voice of George screaming his name through the headphones.

Karl picked up the headphones and hesitantly put them on, sapnap paced the room, so confused at what just happened. "Hello" karl said quietly. Alex burst into laughter at the clear embarrassment in Karl's voice. He heard clays wheeze fill the call. George tried to speak over the roars of laughter from Alex and clay "Karl are u drunk? Who are u with? What are u doing?" Well its pretty obvious what i was doing, Karl thought to himself. Sapnap went to talk to Karl but was quickly shut off by Karl's hand over his mouth. "I'm drunk" was the only words Karl could say anymore. George tried to stay calm and not laugh, "okay Karl, I don't know who your with right now but u need to drink water and go to sleep before you do any more bad things" Karl nodded his head even though George could not see him. He quickly left the call and hopped off of his desk. He listened to George's words and walked across the room towards his bedroom door to get him and sapnap some water. Sapnap walked behind him and grabbed Karl's arm just as he reached the doorway. Karls little body was turned quickly to face sapnaps. The door was slammed again and without hesitation, Karl's lips locked with sapnaps as they continued from where they left off.

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