recap timeee

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hello again to anyone who surprisingly is still seeing this book :) it's been a while since i wrote this and it was my first ever book i completed so i'm gonna clear a few things up and make things more clearer in notes here because i'm too lazy to rewrite the whole thing.

also i wanna say thanks for over 100k reads this is crazy <3

wilbur was a closeted homosexual: this is true, i wanted to make this more apparent in the book but also wanted to focus more on sapnap and karl not wilbur.

wilbur liked sapnap which is why he hated karl: also yes, this one makes me so mad because i tried so hard to include this a lot but ended up not.
(also something people didn't clock onto is the ending sentence i said which was "{ and then there comes a time to log off <3 }" this links to wilbur soots song "your new boyfriend" which, in this story, is about karl :)

sapnap was fully naked when his mother comforted him during a panic attack: tbh when i was writing this i didn't even think about how weird it was but i assume his mom wrapped a towel around him or something idk jksjaka

wilbur was not the one to send the text message to sapnap: this is not true, but i like to think tommy peer pressured a lot of things onto wilbur to bully karl like he did.

wilbur and sapnaps moms were lesbians: if i can date them than yes ;) nah but seriously i think they were just best friends because if they did date it would make sapnap and wilbur "brothers" which would make it weird that wilbur likes him.

and finally *sighs* yes, karl and sapnap had sex twice before they went on their first date: i mean... atleast it worked out in the end :)

okay i might keep adding to these when i remember them but last thing make sure to check out my other books thanksssss <3

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