Rule the school

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Karl's hands gripped his backpack handles as he walked through the rusted gates that led to his school. friends groups from 3 to 10 people gathered around the parking lot like a crowd at a festival. he knew exactly what to do in these situations. keep his head down, don't push anyone, don't look anyone in the eyes. and that's exactly what he did. just like every Monday to Friday morning. before he could get to a quiet area, he heard someone shout his name. must have been another Karl he thought to himself and continued to walk up the steep stairs that led to the main entrance. "KARLLLL" he heard another person shout, this time sounding like a female. he turned around secretly but was surprised to see a group of 5 people trying to catch up with him.

the 3 males wore tight blue tank tops with a different orange number printed on the back of each on. their muscles and six packs burst out of their clothing. One wore a black cap on their head with brown straight hair poking out of each side. Another had jet black hair with round glasses placed on his nose. The other was a lot shorter and had blonde hair, most called him slime for a nickname and Karl never knew why. Once of the girls stood uncomfortably close to the boys, they wore a short plaid skirt with a purple velvet jacket and long ginger wavy hair that blew in the soft wind. The other was a smaller girl who had vibrant pink hair and a short flowery dress that shown off her perfect body. it felt like one of those cringe movies Karl would watch when he was 13.

{ Authors note: if u couldn't guess its jschlatt, ted, slimecicle, minx and niki }

"ayy u are Karl right" slime said as the leaned across the wall next to them. "yes" Karl said nervously holding his books closer to his chest. "omg we so loved your singing" the confident girl stated with a strong Irish accent, as she placed her hand on Karl's fragile shoulder seductively. "ye man we were wondering if u wanted to come hang out with us for lunch today" the other boy said, looking back at the others to encourage them to join in on the conversation. Karl stood shocked and confused. "Um ye sure i guess" he mumbled. "Great, see u then buddy" another male with New York accent said, then the group continued to walk off in sync. Everyone around them parting to let them through. What did Karl do to end up in this situation?

As the bell rung at the end of math, Karl hopped out of his seat and crammed his book in his purple, yellow and blue backpack. He fast walked to the back entrance that led out onto the football pitch and bleachers, where he saw the group already gathered there. He took a deep breathe and continued to walk over to them.

The rest of lunch went by pretty fast, Karl felt like he fit in pretty well, apart from the obvious fact that all of them were sporty and popular and he was a loser who sat playing video games. They talked about how cool Karl was at the party. He spoke to the shyest of the group the most, he soon found out her name was niki, he was surprised to find out that she also plays Minecraft, but is too scared to tell her friends. He caught a glimpse of Wilbur, tommy and techno from the corner of his eye, they were all whispering to each other, Wilbur stared at Karl with jealousy and envy. "Hey Karl, your pretty lucky that Sapnap spoke to you u know" slime spoke. Karl furrowed his brow in confusion. Ted joined in, "ye he used to be Wilbur's best friend, he used to rule the school, then he moved schools and hasn't talked to any of us since, It's weird how much he seemed to like you". Karl rubbed the sweat that was collecting on the back of his neck from the summer sun shining. Then an idea popped into Karl mind, "So what else do u know about Sapnap"  "oh we've got a lot to tell" niki stated. "Go on" Karl encouraged.

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