Christmas joy (part 2)

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(2 years later)

as the large fire crackled in the background, Karl, Sapnap, George, clay and Alex all sat on the new sofa in front of the piles of presents that were on the floor. along with boxes of furniture that Karl and Sapnap still hadn't unpacked in their new house. patches curled up fast asleep in her new bed they got her as a Christmas present. everyone took it in turns to pass around presents they had bought for each other. their laughter and singing filled the small house as they had the best Christmas ever. it got to the last few presents, clay gave his present to George, a small silver cat was placed into Georges arms, they all stared at it in awe as its little legs explored the house. next was Sapnap's present to Karl. Karl squeezed onto the small sofa between Sapnap and Alex, Sapnap's arm wrapped around his waist. as he began to open the small presents carefully, Sapnap stood then both up. Karl looked at his other friends in confusion and continued to open the present.

as the last little bit of wrapping paper was teared off, Sapnap took the little black box and bent down onto his one knee. "Karl, will u marry me?" Sapnap asked. Karl stood in shock as tears formed in his eyes. George was already sobbing in the background as clay comforted him. it was perfect. the thing they both ever wanted. was here.

as the turkey was placed onto the table the 5 of them started to eat their meals, having joyful conversations as quiet Christmas music played in the background. as 'last Christmas' came to an end, they all heard a knock on the door. Karl watched as Sapnap walked towards the knock. as he opened the door he saw a familiar tall brunet boy. in his large hands was a small wrapped up box. "Wilbur?" Karl shouted from down the hallway. "hi guys" he said softly, very different to his harsh words he used to say. "hey Sapnap, i cant stop long, but i, i have a present for u" he said as a little smile appeared on his face. as Sapnap unwrapped the gift, he saw a small white cloth bandana rolled up in a box. tears formed in his eyes. he didn't bother wiping them away, he let them fall onto his black sleeve on his shirt. he looked back up into Wilbur's eyes. his eyes were also filled with tears. "i- ill go now um" Wilbur rubbed the back of his neck as he spun on his heals to start walking back in the snow. "hey Wilbur" Sapnap shouted. Wilbur turned his head to face Sapnap's again. "i love u" he said as his voice cracked. "i love u too" Wilbur mouthed and continued to walk down the street. Sapnap and Karl watched from their doorway. Karl rubbed Sapnap's back as they hugged for a while. Sapnap wiped his tears as they walked back into the kitchen.

"so what do you guys wanna do now?" Sapnap asked. "karaoke" Alex suggested. Sapnap and Karl looked into each others eyes and smiles. Karl spoke reading Sapnap's mind "i think we'll go first"

{ and then there comes a time to log off <3 }

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