Broken dreams

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!Tw: panic attacks! !tw:abuse! !tw:homophobia!

Karls blank eyes stared into the lit up phone screen. It buzzed in his hand as his concerned friends tried their hardest to get in touch with him. But he felt nothing, nothing but the stinging in his heart. He was heartbroken, the exact same feeling he felt when he was separated from his ex-girlfriend willow. But why? He had grown up with willow, shared his deepest secrets with her, knew everything about her like her favourite colour and favourite flower. All he seemed to know about sapnap was that he was a top. As the ring tone finally stopped on his phone, it revealed the one and only photo that the two had took the night before. A selfie of them standing on the table, a microphone lay in each of their hands, lights reflecting off of their sweaty foreheads. Although Karl looked like a mess in the picture, he loved every inch of it.

Sapnaps shower lasted forever. He sat in the corner as the water rushed down into his black hair and down onto his face, mixing with the tears that rolled down his pink cheeks. He heard a muffled knock on the bathroom door and stood up quickly, sending him dizzy, the room spun around his as the walls felt like they were getting closer and closer to his cold naked body. Then darkness.

He woke up to find he was being cradled in his sweet mothers arms. His breathing suddenly began to quicken once again, he panicked, his mother started rocking him back and forward, instructing him to follower her lead and breathe with her. He tried to follow along with the pattens of her chest going up and down. Breathes hitched though his dry through as he started to feel in coldness to the tiled floor on his body. A droplet appeared on his upper back, lifting his head, he realised his mother was crying too. "My boy" she wept, "what happened to you" her voice was softer than usual as if she were scared of making any sudden noise that could scare her son. "Sapnaps mouth moved but he was unable to form the words he wanted to say. He wanted to share everything that had happened with her, he wanted to rant about how Wilbur had hurt him, he wanted to screen so loud the states around him would hear. Nothing. "That's okay" his mother responded as she continued to rock him.

His phone read 3:24 am. He let out a huge sigh and hit his head against the pillow once again. Every out would be a repeat from the last, he would press the little button on the bottom of his phone, squint his eyes at the bright light, realise it had only been an hour and would lie back down, unable to fall asleep. This time however was different.

As he shut his eyes for what seemed like true 40th time, he saw the bright shining lights that shone onto the duo at the party. Music rung in his ears. He then heard an announcement that it was his and Karl's turn on the karaoke, Karl was hesitant at first, but as he took Sapnaps hand they both walked over to the lounge. Sapnap started the song, giving Karl time to gain confidence. As it got to the chorus he looked into Karl's loving eyes and gave him a reassuring nod. They both began singing their heart outs, dancing in sync like they had planned this weeks in advance. Karl was showing a side of him he hadn't seen before, and judging by the audience reaction neither had they. As it reached the end of the song, history repeated itself, they started into each other's eyes, breathing in each other's face. Sapnap wanted to kiss his lips so bad there and then. They stayed there for a long time, sapnaps urge to press his lips the his others getting higher and higher. Suddenly karl pushed his face into sapnap, kissing him like no body was around, sapnap kissed him bad passionately. They were broke apart by wil. "What do u think your doing gay freak" wil spat in Karl's face. Sapnap stood helpless as he watched karl get kicked to the floor and beaten by Wilbur and his other friends. Sapnap screamed Karl's name over and over as he sunk further an further into the floor.

"KARLLLL NOOOOOO" sapnap screeched. He woke up startled, stil in pitch black, dripping of sweat. He once again found himself being cradled like a baby by his mother who sat beside him on his mattress. "Oh nick its going to be okay" his mothers angelic voice spoke like a lullaby. Sapnaps sobs quickly turned into tiny sniffles. "So my dear? Who's this Karl u were talking about?"

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