Awkward discord calls

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Hangovers suck.

Karl woke up to the bright rays of sun shining through his window straight onto his face. His head felt like it was being hit with a hammer constantly. He tried to sit up but felt a heavy weight pull him down again. He looked behind him and was shocked to see sapnap fast asleep hugging him. Memories of last night came flooding into his mind. The good ones and the bad ones. He then realised how awkward his next encounter would be with his online friends. He lifted sapnaps arm from around his waist, trying his hardest not to wake him up and sat up, his legs dangling off of his bed. He looked at his bright phone screen light up to see who had messaged him.

3 miss calls and 8 messages from gogy :)

Karl rolled his eyes and stood up. He realised. He tried to move his legs to walk over to his desk. He felt stuck in the position he was in. As he eventually managed to stumble across his room and fall into his chair, the computer screen lit up his face. He noticed George and clay were in a vc together already. His eyes scanned down to the time in the bottom right. "2PM" karl whispered, shocked at how long him and sapnap had slept in, rubbing the sweat off of his forehead.

He stared at the discord symbol debating if he should risk joining the call now. He let out a large sigh and clicked on the vc the pair were talking in. "So about last nig-" clay said in a flirty suspicious voice. "Oh hey karl" george said loudly interrupting his and clays conversations. "Heyyy" karl said in a awkward tone. "So how was your night?" Karl asked, trying to avoid the topic of the situation being bought up. "Ummm it was good i guess" george said nervously, you could hear clay quietly trying his best not to laugh. An awkward silence went on for what felt like hours.

Suddenly, karl heard movement coming from sapnap. He looked over to see sapnap sitting up in bed shirtless, stretching and rubbing his head. He must have been very hungover, he had a lot more to drink than karl did to say the least. Sapnap opened his eyes and adjusted to the bright lights. His eyes locked with Karl's, "morning chucklehead" sapnap said in a raspy voice. Karl got butterflies from the sound of sapnaps voice. No. Why was he thinking like this. He was drunk that's the only reason he slept with sapnap. He's straight, for sure. "Who's that karl?" The sound of George's question snapped him out of his thoughts. "Um n- no one" karl stuttered. "Don't be embarrassed karl, we would love to meet her", clay teased. Sapnap crawled out of bed and walked towards karl, standing behind him, interested at what they were saying. Karl reached over to unplug his earphones from his monitor so sapnap could join in. "This is sapnap, we met at the party last night and ummm ye now were here" karl said slowly. "Hey" sapnap greeted wrapping both arms around Karl's neck from behind the gaming chair. Both clay and george seemed taken aback by the fact that it was a males voice speaking to them. Another awkward silence occurred. No one new what to say. Karl and sapnap just exchange wholesome smiles and funny faces.

Sapnaps phone buzzed from the nightstand across the room. "Do u wanna go get my phone karl while i introduce myself to your friends?" In Karl's head it seemed like a great idea. Then he realised he couldn't walk, how was he gonna tell him. He's going to have to some time or another. "Um, um?" Karl stuttered. Sapnap began to give karl the puppy eyes, melting his heart completely. "I-, i-" "spit it out karl" sapnap said laughing. the words quickly spilled out of Karl's mouth "I can't walk". George and clay couldn't hold their laughs in anymore. Sapnap had a huge grin stretched across his face. Karls cheeks blushed from embarrassment. Sapnap unraveled his arms from around Karl's bruised neck and started walking over to his phone. As he reached it. He stopped dead. Staring at his the bright screen. "What's wrong?"

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