Pink bubblegum

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"where were you Its been 10 minutes" puffy said as Karl emerged from the doorway to her office. "oh just um had to um pop to the bathroom" Karl stuttered, immediately blushing. puffy smirked as she nodded her head, not believing Karl's lies but knew not to bring it up.

Sapnap opened the car door but didn't get in. "Im gonna go somewhere after, u can go home ill be back later" Sapnap announced. "well honey i can take u if u w-" "no mom its fine Im old enough to go places on my own" Sapnap said quickly. his mother gave up, "okay see u later nick", her sentence turned into a muffle as Sapnap slammed the car door shut and began to walk back to the entrance of the building. he slid his back down the brick wall, his man bun bounced on his head as he reached the floor. he didn't care how long he would have to wait for Karl to end work, he would stay right here. 

the orange sky reflected off Sapnap's phone screen as he continued to scroll through twitter, liking random posts without even bothering to look at them anymore. every time he heard the door open he would look over expecting to see Karl's pale skin light up in the sun. as it reached 7 pm Sapnap decided his mom would start to worry. he put all of his weight onto his feet and pushed himself up, walking in the direction home. then he heard to door open and a pair of shoes getting louder and louder. he turned around to see Karl running to keep up with him. "why are u still here?" Karl said out of breathe as he slowed down. "I wanted to take u somewhere" Sapnap said holding out a hand for Karl to take. "if, that's okay with u" Sapnap immediately said afterwards. Karl took Sapnap's hand like a princess and jokingly said "I would love to my dearest prince" in a posh voice. "care to dance" Sapnap said following along with the joke. they both giggled and began walking down the busy road hand in hand. they didn't say anything as they walked. they embraced the cool evening breeze as the beautiful sun set in front of them.

as they reached a small vintage diner, Sapnap stopped. "ever been here?" he asked pointing towards the red sign that sat on the roof. "of course i have its my favourite place" Karl responded as he continued to walk over to the entrance without question. the atmosphere was a lot different to the outside. the outside was full of loud cars flying past and shouting from people stuck in traffic, however when they stepped inside the diner, a sweet smell of pink bubble gum rushed over them as the old classic songs played quietly on the jukebox hidden in the corner. only small mutters from the kitchen and one family who sat in the red booths by a large glass window. 

the pair sat down at another booth identical to the others that surrounded them. they sat opposite each other, they wanted to be able to stare into each others eyes. "I missed u know" Karl finally broke the silence. "a lots happened since u know, the time i met u" Karl mentioned. "ye a lot really has happened" Sapnap said quietly. "like what" Karl said excitedly, placing his chin perfectly into his hand held up by his elbow. "u go first" "okay, well i found a group of friends at school, they were pretty popular but i found my best friend Niki who turns out likes Minecraft too but then i tried to stand up for Niki and ended up getting beat up by schlatt but Wilbur saved me but got expelled and then i-" "wait schlatt beat u up" Sapnap said confused. "ye" Karl responded "and Wilbur is expelled" he continued. "ye" Karl repeated. "so then I started having a good time at school and then i did therapy training and..." Karl carried on. Sapnap loved how Karl was so enthusiastic with his words, he was memorised by Karl's beauty as he watched Karl's thin lips move in sync with his voice. how his dimples appeared when he said certain words. how his long eyelashes fluttered when he blinked. he loved everything about him. this was technically their first date, but it felt like their 200th. Sapnap felt comfortable telling Karl about his past, he told everything, from his parents divorcing, to Wilbur and him living together, to him running away from school. Karl simply nodded along as he sipped on his strawberry smoothie. as Sapnap was coming to the end of the conversation, Karl felt a buzzing in his pocket, he reached for his phone and looked at it. 

1 unread message from gogy :)

gogy :)       hey i know you've been busy at school but we haven't spoke in a while. wanna vc with me clay and Alex :))) 

Karl looked back up at Sapnap who sat drinking the last of his smoothie. Sapnap felt Karl looking at him and looked back. a smirk emerged on Karl's face, "i have an idea" he said as he grabbed Sapnap's hand and dragged him out of the booth he was sitting in. he placed the 5 dollar bill on the counter in a rush, "thank u" he shouted to the waiter as the bell rung  and the door swung open. Sapnap and Karl ran in the dark towards his house. they stood in the driveway, a bit too familiar to Sapnap. "Karl are u sure about this" "yes she's lovely come on" Karl said as he continued to drag Sapnap into the house. 

"mom, i have someone i would like you to meet" he shouted through the house. his mother emerged from the kitchen door way in her pyjamas. "Karl its 9pm who is i-" she was taken aback by the handsome boy who stood holding her sons hand. "mom, meet my boyfriend, Sapnap" he said as he looked up at Sapnap's cute smile. boyfriend  Sapnap thought, causing his cheeks to turn red. a soft smile crept onto his moms face as she started walking towards the boys. "welcome to the family dear", Sapnap giggled nervously. "Sapnap follow me quick" Karl began to run up his staircase, Sapnap following. 

"so you and Sapnap are dating" clay said, still trying to process all of the information Karl had just said. "yes" Sapnap and Karl responded in sync. "oh my god congrats" George shouted cheerfully. "so now Im the only one who's single" Alex stropped. "yup" clay said as he laughed. Sapnap loved speaking to them all. he finally felt like he belonged again.

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