graduation day

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2 months later

"smile" Karl's mom stood behind her camera as she took photos of Karl and Niki. both dressed in fancy black robes and a mortarboard placed on each of their heads. Karl held his year book underneath one arm, his other arm placed around Niki's shoulder. smiles beamed across their faces as their teeth reflected the setting sun. they were one of the last people to leave the celebration. one of Karl's favourite teachers Mr halo came over to congratulate the both of them. "so what are you thinking of doing now Karl?" the teacher asked to start a conversation. "Well I'm starting training to be a therapist in a couple of weeks" Karl said proudly. "shit" Niki shouted in the background as she dropped her smoothie on the floor. "language" Mr halo shouted as he walked over to help her. "come on lets go get more smoothies and some pizza" Karl's mom announced. Karl looked over at Niki excitedly, her facial expressions shone back, they both skipped with joy over the the lonely car in the middle of the parking lot.

1 week later

Sapnap stared at the sunset through the small square window. "nick... nickkk" the young lady called, waving a hand in front of Sapnap's face. Sapnap blinked to adjust his eyes back to the bright light that lit up the room. "so do u feel ready to stop therapy?" the therapist questioned. "yes" Sapnap replied with very little hesitation. "okay so if you come see me one more time you can stop after that, alright" "okay" sapnap mumbled with his head down. "you okay" the therapist asked with a soft calm voice. Sapnap lost it "YES" he shouted and stormed out of the cramped room.

He opened the passenger car door of his mothers car and before he could even get in she spoke up, "soo how did it g-" "just drive" sapnap interrupted. His mother followed his instructions and was too scared to speak a single word on the 20 minute drive home.

"Welcome, karl jacobs right?" A lovely old man greeted karl from behind a large reception desk. "Yes that's me" karl responded cheerfully. "Okay your gonna be working with dr puffy today, she in the first room to your right" the man directed with his hands the way karl had to go. "Okay" karl skipped over to the room cheerfully and knocked on it slightly.

"Today's the last day, just get this over with and you'll be fine okay" sapnaps mother reassured him. Sapnap simply nodded to convince his mother that it would be fine, when he knew it wouldn't.

Karl got along well with dr puffy, she told him all the interesting stories she had experienced in her life, they laughed together and karl took many notes from her appointments with a range of people. It was between appointments and karl was thirsty. "Is it okay if i go and get a drink from the staff room?" Karl asked like he was a child speaking to his school teacher. "Ye sure go ahead "dr puffy smiled as she watched karl happily walk away.

Sapnaps knee bounced as he stared at the patterns engraved into the ceiling of the reception. He heard the clicking off shoes from down the hallway and though it was his turn to speak a load of bullshit to someone. What caught him by surprise was the fact that instead he saw the small timid figure of a body he recognised a bit too well. He looked up and was hypnotised once again by the boys eyes. The boy didn't bother looking over his way, he was in his own world as he hummed along to a tune. Sweater weather. Sapnap stood up quietly and started to walk Karl's way, pretending he was going to the bathroom, as his pace became quicker he finally caught up to karl. Karl stopped dead. He had forgotten the key to the staff room puffy gave him this morning. But as he turned around he was caught off guard by the tall handsome figure standing opposite him.

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