Alone... again

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This is a shorter chapter but there will be longer more detailed parts coming up: also thanks for over 500 reads :)

"What's wrong?" Karl asked. Sapnap stood speechless. "What's wrong?" Karl repeated, raising his voice a little. "We'll leave u two to it wont we clay?" George butted in, emphasising on the question to clay to try and get him on board. The sound of 2 discord pings notified karl that it was just him and sapnap. Sapnap then looked up, karl noticed his eyes filled with tears and started fast walking across the room, wining at the pain he felt with every step. As he approached the boy he looked at the bright screen held in his hand. The words read:

1 unread message from Wilby : never speak or come near me again u gay freak

Karl read the message over and over again. he knew Wilbur was a bad person, but this was too far. He rubbed sapnaps back to try and comfort him the best he could. He didn't think he could could care for someone as much as he does for this stranger who he met up with last night and hooked up with. sapnap let the tears fall from his face. He felt frozen in ice, his whole body felt so numb that he didn't realise the caring boy standing behind him trying to help him. As his vision became less blurry he came back into the real world. Without saying a word, sapnap knelt down to pick up his shirt and belongings off of the floor and continued to walk downstairs. If he had looked at karl once more he would've broken down. He had fallen in love with this boy, he wanted to live his dreams with him, share secrets and memories together. He loved karl. Which he blamed on the alcohol at first, but in reality, it was nothing but the truth.

"Where are u going?"karl shouted. Sapnap flinched at Karl's loud words, which made karl feel immediate regret and guilt, he had never been in this situation before. Karl simply had no choice but to helplessly watch sapnap walk out of the front door. alone.

The house was filled with an uncomfortable silence. Karl didn't know what to do with himself, he was home alone for the next week. And he couldn't even think about what was going to happen at school. He didn't want to go, he didn't want Wilbur to treat him the way he just treated sapnap, he didn't want Wilbur to embarrass him in front of the entire school, he didn't want to see Wilbur's face after he wins yet another battle. He just wanted to be alone.

Authors note: i do not support homophobia in any sort of way. If you or act like Wilbur in this story just click off now dickheads :) also this is Wilbur's character, NOT REAL LIFE, please do not take any of this seriously it is all part of the story. Thanks
Rae <3

(also stay hydrated and make sure to eat o_O)

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