Chapter 4💜

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| April 16th - Jania's house |

Madison's POV:


"Bye!" I said as Kacey hugged my legs and I laughed. Working for Kentrell has been...a nightmare.

He's so self absorbed! I clean up and take of his kids all damn day and all he says is "what's for dinner?" Nigga I don't know!

"Thanks girl!" Jania said as I nodded and walked to my car before Kentrell texted me.

Kentrell Gaulden: U on ur way back

Me: Yes Kentrell

Kentrell Gaulden : Why u sayin it like dat🤨

Me: I- never mind I'm on my way now

Kentrell Gaulden: Ight

Don't get me wrong, working for him has it's good the pay, but I can't stand being in the same room as that nigga.

Especially when his friends come over, I'm "not allowed" to talk to anyone or wear anything "too revealing"

I legit hate it sometimes.....




"What took you so long?" Kentrell asked as I walked into the house with a Chick-fil-a bag and two lemonades, "I was getting us something to eat..." I said quietly, "You should've told me" he said as I slightly scrunched my face.

"Oh my god, can you just say THANK YOU for once, damn" the sentenced kind of slipped out and I saw Kentrell's face grow annoyed.

"Here" I said taking my fries out the bag and handing the whole bag and one of the drinks to him, "Ima take 15 minutes to eat and then I'll be right back to cleaning up the house that your selfish ass owns."

I walked upstairs while rolling my eyes. Once I reached my room I closed the door and took a deep breath. "Just calm down Madison..." I told myself while counting down from ten in my head.











"There you go" I said finally calming down and turning on the tv. I turned  to Netflix and watched Trinkets  while eating my fries.

"Ima just close my eyes for a second" I said to myself before closing my eyes and drifting to sleep.

Madison dreaming:

"Madison it's time for dinner" My nurse said walking into my room, "I'm not hungry" I mumbled, "Madison you have to eat don't want to starve"

"This place makes me want to" I said as my nurse let out a breath, "Madison...please" she said while sitting the tray on a table by my bed.

"I'll eat later" I assured her before laying back down. "Have a good night"

"Yeah" I said before closing my eyes...

Madison Dream over




Kentrell's POV:

Madison been sleep now for two hours but she straight I guess, she been working her ass off lately, I just need one more thing from her.

I walked into her room and she turned her back to me while still sleeping. "Yo Madison" I said from a distance but she ain't get up.

"Savage" I said louder but she was still sleep so I walked over to her and started tapping her shoulder. "Madison wake up"  I said as she started to open and rub her eyes.

"What time is it?" She mumbled, "7:15" I said as she slightly jumped up, "Shit Kentrell, I'm sorry...I'll get started right no-"

"Nah it's cool, just get dressed...we finna go somewhere" I said before she looked at my outfit, "Where?"

"This club I gotta make an appearance at" I said as she nodded, "Why you want me to come?"

"Damn Madison, just get dressed" I said causing her to shake her head smiling and she got out the bed. "Ight Ima shower" she said as I nodded and walked out the room to my room.

*Incoming call from Nisha🖤*

"Wassup" I said shutting my door and answering the phone, "Do Taylin eat pizza?"

"Yeah, why?"

"Cause he said he don't and I know Starr be feeding him Pizza" Nisha said as I shook my head, "Put him on the phone"

A few seconds later Taylin was on the phone,  "Hi da"

"Tay, why you tell Nisha you ain't eat pizza?"

"I was just playing"  Taylin said as I smiled and shook my head,  "Just go eat" I said before Nisha got back on the phone, "Ight thanks" she said before hanging up.




Madison's POV:

"I'm ready" I said to Kentrell as his face basically dropped seeing my outfit

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"I'm ready" I said to Kentrell as his face basically dropped seeing my outfit.  "Damn" he mumbled but I heard him and laughed.

"The truck outside" he said as I nodded and we walked out the house.

"Got your own driver and everything" I said getting into the truck and Kentrell smiled. "So how long you gotta stay at this club?"

"Three to four hours" Kentrell said as I nodded.

It's finna be a long night....


Sorry for any mistakes!💚💜

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