Chapter 7💜

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Later that day - April 15th
Kentrell Gaulden's house
Madison's POV:

"Yo I'm home" Kentrell walking into the house while I cleaned the kitchen, "Wassup" Kentrell said walking into the kitchen as I smiled and waved.

"Where Taylin?"

"In his room watching tv" I said as Kentrell nodded, "Why you gotta attitude?" Kentrell asked as I slightly scrunched my face.

"Ain't nobody got an attitude" I said before wiping off the counters, "Ayo take that base out your voice...fuck you got on?"

I quietly laughed to myself and shook my head, "Your ex came over"

"Nene?" He asked as I shook my head, "Well she was over here too but I'm talking about Skye" I said finally turning around to face Kentrell who was lost for words.

"Look I don't care who you have over here because this your house but at least make sure your company has a little respect" I told Kentrell before trying to walk away but he grabbed my arm.

"What she say?" He asked as I shook my head, "Nothing, I cleaned the kitchen, living room, basement and your room...can I go?" I asked as Kentrell let go off me and I walked upstairs to my room before shutting the door.

A few minutes later
Kentrell's POV:

I was standing in my backyard where the pool is waiting for Jania to answer my facetime call. "Who is it?" I heard Jania ask and I saw Kacey's face in the camera.

"Where mommy at?" I asked as he looked down at the phone and smiled, "Da!" He said with a big ass smile causing me to laugh and Jania grabbed the phone from Kacey.

"Sorry Kentrell" she said as I shook my head, "Nah its cool but Nene I gotta question"

"I got a possible answer" Jania said as I nodded and looked behind me to make sure Madison wasn't downstairs, "You was over yesterday?"

"Yeah...why?" Jania asked, "Skye came over?" I asked as Jania got quiet and I watched her walk upstairs. "Maaaa" Kacey whined, "Come on" she said turning around to face him.

"Yo Nene" I said trying to get her attention back on me, "Hold up Kentrell" she said before walking back down the stairs and picking up Kacey.

"Anyways...uh yeah she did" Jania said dryly, "What happened?"

"She wanted to come inside but I told her no...then she started trying to go off on Madison but I stopped  her because I could tell Madison was getting upset"

"What was she saying?" I asked still confused, "She was telling Madison how she ain't shit and at the end of the day you gon fire her and she gon be living on the streets... her coming over was very unnecessary.....anyways Nisha and I gon come over tomorrow while you at your meeting because Madison shouldn't be there alone"

"Ight well Madison upset...what should I do?" I asked Nene and I heard her start to run some tub water, "Kentrell...I have to give Kacey a bath so get your bipolar ass together and go talk to that girl"

"Ight, love y'all"  I said as Jania nodded, "Say love  you" she said to Kacey, "Wuv you da" Kacey said as I smiled and hung up the phone.

I took a deep breath before walking back into the  house. I walked upstairs and knocked on Madison's door as I heard her tv playing my song "Outside today"

"Come inn" she said as I opened the door, "You know I got other songs"  I said smiling before seeing Taylin sleep beside her.

"Well maybe I just wanted to listen to this one" she said looking down at Taylin and smiling. "Can we talk?" I asked sitting on the edge of the bed facing Madison and she nodded.

"I ain't know Skye was coming over, and she ain't my ex" I started.

Shit...I don't even know what else to say...

Madison could tell that I was stuck and lowkey rolled her eyes, "It's fine Kentrell, and whatever you have going on with your ex is none of my business, I'm just your maid" She said as I looked down.

"I'm really tired though so ima just go to sleep"  she said as I nodded, "You want me to take him?" I asked referring to Taylin and Madison looked over before shaking her head.

"He's fine" she smiled and I nodded before leaving her room and closing the door.

I might just cancel my meeting tomorrow and spend the day with her or least to get to know her better. 

Sorry for any mistakes luvs! 💜

(P.S. So first thing, when the text looks like this....that either means the person is thinking / their thoughts or its a flashback...second thing, If I update multiple times a day its either going to be in the morning well morning for me or around 3:00pm like it is now because I have school from 8:30am to 2:55 pm so yeah I try to update as much as possible!!! Ok bye ~ Jasmine)💚‼️

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