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I followed Harry into the other room and looked around wondering what he wanted to talk about.

He led me up to his room and closed the door behind him making my heart pick up speed. What was he doing?

He turned around and faced me with a shy smile plastered on his face. "What did you want to talk about?" I asked nervously.

"I think I know what I'm going to do about the mystery girl," he said. I groaned and rolled my eyes.

"What?" he asked innocently while blinking. "It's just...that's all you talk about lately," I said, "can't we just talk about what friends normally talk about?" I asked. "I'm sorry Rosie, but I really want to find out who she is," Harry said.

I looked at him and sighed. "Fine, what are you going to do?" I asked. "Since I'm too nervous to find out who the girl is, I'm going to hold auditions," Harry said.

I frowned and gave him a look. 

"In the auditorium, each girl who comes up has to play the song that the girl always sings," he said.

Breathe Me by Sia instantly popped into my head. That was the song I always played. "If a girl comes onto the stage and sings that exact song, I'll know it's her," he said with a dreamy look on his face. I felt my heart speed up.

I wouldn't do it. I couldn't. He'd hate me for not telling him. 

"Harry," I said uneasily. He looked at me. "Are you sure this is a good idea?" he nodded vigourously.

"I'll tell the principal about it and announce it on the intercom, then the lads and I will put up posters all over school, it'll get some sort of buzz and hopefully the girl I've been looking for shows up," he said.

I sighed. "I can't talk you out of this can I?" I asked. "Nope," he said with a grin. I sighed and sat down on his bed.

"So will you help me with the auditions?" he asked giving me an innocent look.

I looked at him and sighed. "If it makes you happy, sure," I said. I didn't know how I should do this. Should I tell him now?

Before he gets himself into this huge mess? I sighed and turned around and looked out the window. I bit my lip and closed my eyes.

"Harry....I'm the mystery girl," I said and turned around, but he wasn't listening. He was shouting something to Louis from downstairs. I sighed and just decided to keep quiet. 

Harry turned around and grinned at me. "Thanks so much for helping me, Rosie," he said and hugged me. I sighed and hugged him back before we walked downstairs. 


On Monday at school none of the boys were in homeroom. I knew they were at school, but they were probably helping Harry with his little contest.

I sat at my desk and hit my pen against my desk repeatedly, a nervous habit I have of doing. Suddenly the principal's voice came over the intercom. 

"Good morning students, before you pass onto your next class we have a few announcements," he said.

Harry's voice suddenly rang through out the intercoms. "Hi everyone, it's Harry Styles,"

Harry said and a bunch of girls instantly broke out into a few squeals at his voice. I just rolled my eyes and listened to him.

"I have a request from you all, I heard a girl singing and playing the piano after school each day, but I never got the courage to go in and see who it was. I feel like I need to find out who this girl is.

After school each day I'm going to hold auditions in the auditorium, any girl who thinks they are the mystery girl can play the piano for me.

Please, I just need to find out who she is," he said. 

"Thank you Mr. Styles," the principal said then started talking about other announcements, but I zoned out on them.

I turned and looked behind my shoulder. Chelsea and Carry were looking at me. I sighed and turned back around.

The girls instantly broke out in whispers as they talked about who the mystery girl could be.

I wondered how Harry actually got the principal to allow him to do this. Oh well. 

The bell rang and we headed off to our next class. I slowed down in the hallway as I saw posters all along the wall titled: Are you Harry's mystery girl?

Then it had all of the information on the bottom. Girls instantly ran over and looked at the posters while Carry, Chelsea, and I just walked to class. 

"I thought you were going to tell him?" Chelsea hissed making sure no one overheard us. I shook my head. "I'm too scared to tell him," I mumbled.

"Rosie, he's your best friend and I'm sure he'll still like you if you tell him," Carry said gently. I sighed and looked at her.

"It's too late, he's already put up the posters and announced it...we'll just have to wait and see what happens," I said and we walked into class. 

School seemed to drag on since I was actually looking forward to the auditons to see who actually thought they were the mystery girl.

I knew all of the girls auditioning were lying since I was the one who was playing the piano after school. 

I was walking to my next class when someone bumped into me making me drop all of my books.

I groaned and looked up to see who it was. Surprise surprise, it was Hailey. 

"Oops, sorry slut, I didn't see you there," she said sarcastically making her little group laugh. I just rolled my eyes.

"I doubt you're going to audition for Harry's contest oh yeah becuase you don't have any talent," she said. I ignored her and started walking away.

I didn't want to deal with that bitch right now, I was too focused on other stuff going on. I would laugh my ass off if she actually showed up to audition. 

When the final bell rang, almost every girl in school ran to the auditorium.

I on the other hand took my time getting my stuff at my locker before walking casually down the hallway to the auditorium. "Rosie!" Harry called.

I smiled at him then joined him and the other lads in the front row of the auditorium while they started getting ready for the auditions. 

Oh this should be interesting. 

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon