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That day during school, I was a little more on edge.

I kept glancing towards Harry and it made me sort of angry when I saw some girls staring oogly eyed at him. Why did this bother me? Oh yeah....because I like him.

I had to admit it to myself finally that I had feelings for him. Every time I was near him or looked at him I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I wondered if he felt the same way. 

Probably not. Well he did, but not towards me. He did towards the 'mystery girl' but when he looked at me he probably felt nothing.

I sighed and blew one of the loose ends of my hair out of my face before looking down at the quiz in front of me. 

At the end of class I looked up one more time to see Harry smiling and talking to some girl. I felt myself feel a pang of jealousy.

I bit my lip and looked down at my feet before leaving the class, trying not to look back at Harry.

I didn't think he'd have that much of an impact on me. I kept my head down and walked to my locker.

It was time for lunch and the hallways were crowded with people.

I kept my head down and grabbed my stuff before turning around and getting carried away in the sea of students. 

I quickly stepped out of the crowd and walked into the bathroom. It was empty so I walked over to the bathroom and stared in the mirror.

I sighed and stared at the ground. "Hey slut," someone said. I frowned and turned around only to be greeted by the meanest and sluttiest girl in the whole school followed by her popular clique. 

"What do you want, Hailey?" I asked looking towards the door and trying to think of an escape plan. Hailey can be viscious when she wants to be.

"I heard you went over One Direction's house on Friday night?" she said. "Yeah what of it?" I demanded. "Why would they even like an ugly bitch like you?" she said rolling her eyes. 

Hailey is such a fake. She has a fake tan so fake it's orange, she bleaches her hair so much it's like white, and she cakes her face in so much make up you can't even tell what's real or not. 

To top her whole slut look off she wears skirts so high it's like a belt, a very low cut shirt, and leather boots. 

"Excuse me?" I said. She was calling me ugly. "You heard me," she said crossing her arms over her chest.

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before heading to the door. "Harry asked me out!" she called. I froze. I turned around and glared at her.

"Harry's one of my best friends...he wouldn't go out with a skank like you," I said then walked out of the bathroom. (like a boss xD)

"Hey Rosie," a cheerful Irish accent rang in my ear. I turned and smiled at Niall. "Hey Ni," I said.

"I'm surprised you of all people isn't at the cafeteria first," I said with a chuckle. Niall smiled. "I forgot something in Mrs. Rogan's class," he said.I noddded.

We walked and talked all the way to the cafeteria. 

Carry and Chelsea were already sitting at the table eating and laughing along with the boys. Niall and I sat down and smiled at the lads.

"Look who finally decided to join us," Liam joked. I chuckled. Suddenly I felt a cold liquid being poured all over me. 

I gasped and heard laughing behind me. Hailey. "Hailey! What the hell!" Chelsea said standing up for me.

I stood up and I realized Hailey had poured soda all over me. I turned and saw Harry and instantly turned bright red.

Chelsea, Carry, and even Liam were yelling at Hailey while I ran off into the bathroom. I was humiliated. Stupid bitch. 

I curled up in a ball in the corner of the bathroom and hid my tears. Everything was so complicated and I hated it. I just had to ask one question. 

Why me?

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon