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I was waiting in the park impatiently for Harry to show up after school.

I wasn't sure about this, but who knows maybe he will turn up to be different after all.

Maybe he really did just want to be friends. We did get off on the wrong foot. Finally he showed up.

"Hey, sorry I'm late, I had to convince the boys to let me come," he said. I just nodded at him.

"So why did you make me come here?" I asked.

"Uhm, well you know just to talk, get to know each other better," he said. I chuckled. "Well what do you want to know?" I asked.

Harry thought for a moment. "What's your favorite color?" he asked. "Blue, well light blue to be more specific," I said. Harry chuckled.

"What about you?" I asked as we started walking down the path. "Orange, pink, or blue," he said. "Pink, very manly color," I said with a chuckle.

"It is," Harry said proudly.

"Ok anything else?" I asked. "Favorite food?" he asked. I thought for a second. "!" I said. Harry chuckled. "And you?" I asked.

"Tacos or sweetcorn," he said. "Birthday?" he asked. I gave him a look. "Why do you want to know my birthday?" I asked.

"So I can get you a gift!" he said like it was obvious. I laughed. "Alright, June 21st," I said. "February 1st for me," he said. 

"Ok, siblings," he said. "None," I said. He looked at me. "You're an only child?" he asked. I nodded. "Cool, I have an older sister," he said. I nodded.

"Ok favorite song?" "Payphone," I answered right off the top of my head. Harry chuckled. "What about you?" I asked.

"I don't really have a favorite, I like them all," he said with a laugh. I smiled. 

"Hmm what else should I ask you?" he asked quietly. I chuckled at the thoughtful look on his face.

"Play any insturuments?" he asked. I sighed. Should I tell him about my secret music life or not?

It's not like he'll spill to my parents or anything, but...."No," I said with a sigh. "And you?" I asked.

"Does a kazoo count?" he asked. I laughed. "Not necessarily," I said with a chuckle.

"And one last question," he said. I looked at him.

"Are you having a good time?" he asked. I stared at him then nodded. "Yay! See we're friends now," he said. I laughed.

"I guess we are," I said. "Yess," Harry said. 

"I told you we could be friends," he said with a smug look on his face.

"You did didn't you," I said just playing along to his game.

Harry seemed proud with himself and had a smug grin plastered on his face.

He took my wrist and pulled out a sharpie. I frowned at him wondering what he was doing until he wrote his number down on my arm.

"I have to go," he said, "be sure to call me."

I gave him a look. "As friends!" he said innocently. I laughed. "Sure why not," I said and then I waved good bye to him before walking off. 

I quickly looked behind me as I walked into the school building before jogging to the auditorium before someone else got there.


I knew I could be friends with her.

I just had to get her laughing and actually learned a lot at our little talk.

I was determined not to make any moves because I knew she didn't want to be anything more than friends. I walked into the school.

Maybe I could catch the mystery girl with the angel voice before she left. I quickly walked down the hallways and stopped when I was near the auditorium.

I heard the beautiful singing and the piano playing again. I got so lost in her voice that I didn't even want to stop her singing by walking in and making her stop.

I stood outside the door and just listened as she hit the keys perfectly on the piano. I was put into a trance.

No one's ever had this effect on me. And I didn't even know who the girl was!

Suddenly the music stopped and my heart sank.

I ran back into the auditorium maybe to find the girl who was singing, but no one was there.

I groaned and pulled out my phone to call Louis to come pick me up. I sighed hoping I'd catch the girl tomorrow.

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon