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I sat there on my knees for what seemed like forever. The tears rolled silently down my face as I mentally slapped myself in the face.

I should've seen this coming. Harry has been in pain for weeks now and all I did was watch. I had plenty of oppertunities to tell him I was the mystery girl.

I should've just told him the night he told me he was in love. I literally felt like a piece of crap right now. What was I thinking?

I stared at the ground and felt the tears fall even harder. Harry hated me now all because I was too 'scared' to tell him I was his mystery girl.

I stood up slowly while my legs shook. My best friend hated me.

Just thinking that thought made me almost crumpled to the ground in tears again, but I managed to stand up and stay strong. 

I shakily walked down the aisles and towards the back stage door which I left open a crack. I stepped outside again into the cold night and shivered.

This time I wasn't happy to be out in the cool crisp air. I closed the door shut behind me and it made a creaking sound as the old door closed shut.

I started walking away and kept my head down.

Instead of the cool breeze calming me down like it did before, it made me shiver and it made me feel like my heart was frozen. 

I started walking faster as I looked up and noticed the street lights flickering. The only sounds were the wind blowing, other than that everything was silent.

My phone rang making me jump from the sudden noise. I wondered how long I have been gone and I wondered if Harry was already at home. I quickly answered my phone. 

"Hello?" I croaked. "Rosalie Emma Winters, you get home this instance," my mom's voice rang through the other end of the phone.

"Sorry Mom," I whispered. "Get home now," she said. I hung up, not wanting to hear her contant nagging.

I started jogging home, but even while running the wind still felt like ice was being thrown right at my face. 

Maybe it hurt so much knowing Harry hated me because I had strong feelings for him. Maybe it hurt so much because now that he hated me I knew there would never be a chance of us being together.

Another tear feel from my eyes and hit my hand. I ran around the corner and saw my house standing tall and proud, but I didn't care right now.

Carry and Chelsea were gone and the lights were out. I looked at my phone wondering how long I have been gone. 

It was almost midnight. Oh no. 

I quickly ran up the driveway and into the backdoor. I kicked off my shoes and ran upstairs before my mom and dad yelled at me like there was no tomorrow.

I ran into my room, locked the door, and fell onto my bed while the tears flowed even more. "Rosalie," my mom's voice rang out from the other end of the door.

I quickly scrambled into bed and turned off the light. She cracked the door open. 

"I know you're not asleep," she said. I didn't answer her. "We'll talk in the morning," and with that she left while closing the door. 

I instantly let the tears fall again. My phone buzzed and I looked down. It was a text from Carry. 

What happened?? 

I sighed while debating if I should respond or not. I decided to wait until the morning. 

I'll call you tomorrow I said back. 

I turned onto my side and stared at the wall. I had pictures of Harry and I together, Louis and I, Niall and I, Zayn and I, Liam and I, Carry, Chelsea, and I, me and the boys. I literally felt like knocking them all down right now. 

I ended up surprising myself by falling asleep. I thought I wouldn't be able to get any rest at all, but apparently I was tired. 

When I woke up the sun was shining brightly through my window like a happy Saturday morning should be. But I wasn't happy.

In fact I was still upset about last night. I probably would be for a long time until Harry forgave me. I glacned at my clock.

It was almost nine o'clock. I sighed and rolled onto my back. 

I picked up my phone and decided to call Carry even if it was still early. She's always been an early riser and I knew she would answer. 

"Hello?" I was right. 

"Hey," I said, my voice cracked a little. "Ok start spilling the details," Carry said. 

"How did you know I told Harry?" I asked. "Because when I went back inside you weren't there so I called your phone but you didn't answer sooo I called Harry and he didn't answer sooo I called Liam and he told me that you wanted to tell Harry something and I knew it was that you were the mystery girl," she said. 

I had to chuckle a little bit, she said it so quickly. "Uhm, it didn't go well," I said sadly feeling my voice crack again. 

"Oh no," Carry muttered under her breath. "Give me the deets," she said. 

"He hates me now," I said feeling the tears coming back. Soon they were streaming down my face. "Oh god," Carry mumbled.

"He said he never wants to talk to me again," I said. "Rosie, please stop crying," she said comfortingly. 

"I c-can't," I whimpered. "Harry probably didn't mean that, he was probably shocked, confused, or maybe a little happy that he found his mystery girl, I just think you need to give him some time to think about it and soon everything will be back to normal," she said. I took a deep breath.

"I really hope so Car, I really hope so."

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon