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"Har, you alright mate?" Louis asked that night while we were all sitting in the living room. "I'm fine," I muttered.

That girl's voice was stuck in my head and she's been stuck in my head ever since I left the school. Louis frowned and I felt his eyes on my back.

"Lou, nothing is wrong!" I said turning around. He sighed and held up his hands in defeat.

"Alright, alright," he said while turning around to talk to Liam about Toy Story or something. I wasn't paying attention to what we were watching.

That girl's voice was just so amazing that I couldn't get it out of my head. Tomorrow, I thought to myself, tomorrow I was going to find her. 


I was sitting on my bed tapping the pen against my history text book.

I always did homework better when I was listening to music, but the music hater (a.k.a my mom) obviously hates it when I'm happy so she takes away my happiness, or my iPod.

 I was getting myself even angrier when I imagined myself listening to Maroon 5 right now while breezing through this homework like it was a piece of cake. 

"Rosalie!" my mom called from downstairs. I groaned.

"I thought I told you to call me Rosie," I called back. She was the only person who called my Rosalie. Everyone else, even my dad, called me Rosie.

She walked right into my room, not even bothering to knock, and stood in front of me with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I thought I told you to take out the trash when you're done with your homework," she said. 

She must've gotten home from work late today since she was still in her pencil skirt, gray blouse, high heels, and her hair was in a tight perfect bun without a hair in place. Yeah, my mom was strict.

My dad, not so much. He was more carefree. 

I pointed to my text book. "Do I look like I'm done?" I asked.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Don't speak to me with that tone, young lady," she hissed.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I muttered. "Just do it soon," she growled before walking out of my room, forgetting to close the door on her way out, and storming into her room.

I just rolled my eyes and groaned before getting up to close the door again.

I never understood why she hated music so much. The other day she caught me with my secret iPod, she completely flipped out at me. Who does that to their kid? It's music.

I don't know why she hates it so much, but I think it has to do with something that had happened in her past. 

Oh well. I slowly dragged through the rest of my homework and finally I finished around 10:30. I glanced outside and groaned.

She's making me take out the trash now? (this is my house by the way [tumblr_m5mzrcWQjL1rrbmg3o1_500])

Yeah, it's big, but that's only because my mom and dad are the CEOs of some big company.

My room is on the second floor and it's the room with the balcony on the right. Anyway, I'd much rather live in a small, comfy house like Chelsea's.

Her's was a nice cape house since it was only her, her mom, and her dad. It was only me, my mom, my dad, a maid, and a chef. 

I hated it. 

I wanted to be normal. I wanted to take dance lessons with Chelsea and Carry, I wanted to listen to music whenever I wanted.

I wanted to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Not these stupid scheduales my mom makes me follow. 

I actually enjoy going to school each morning. Don't judge me, but it let's me escape this house and go talk to my friends.

You know my mom records my calls? Whenever I call Chelsea or Carry she listens and if I happen to say something "bad" then she'll come confront me about it. Life is just peachy. 

For some reason I couldn't get Harry out of my head. We had a nice talk today in the park and he hadn't hit on me once.

Maybe we could become just friends. Hopefully. His number was still written on my arm and I was actually surprised my mom hadn't noticed.

She notices everything and every little detail. 

I quickly put him into my contact list and texted him. 

Hey Harry, it's Rosie

I put my phone down, but less then a second later, he texted me back.

Hey babe! :)

I chuckled at his excitement and was really hoping he wasn't hitting on me again. Trust me I do not want to go there again.

My last boyfriend, Shane, was the same way I thought Harry was at first.

A player. He'd hit on every girl and I'd confront him about it, but he'd convince me that it was nothing and that he loved only me.

That was a complete lie when I found out he had been sleeping with some girl behind my back. The sad part was Shane had been my best friend before and now we're enemies. 

What's up? I texted Harry back. 

Nothing much, we're watching Toy Story, but I'm not really paying attention :/ 

I had to chuckle slightly. 

Sounds fun I joked and waited to see his reply. 

"Rosalie! The trash!" my mom called. I groaned and swung my legs over the side of my bed and stood up.

I walked down stairs and got the trash before dragging it out to the trash out front. When I was down, I groaned when it started to rain and I was barefoot.

I jogged back inside and upstairs to my room. 

Yeah, suree, so what's up with you? Harry texted me back. I sighed. I wanted to tell him about my mom, but I didn't really feel like typing all of that.

Call me lazy, I could care less. 

Nothing much, just escaped the queen's wrath for taking out the trash haha 

The queen? He texted back.

My mother, it's a long story I said not really wanted to get into detail since it was a school night and I was tired anyway. 

Ooh ok haha :) I smiled at his text. I didn't know why he was suddenly always on my mind.

Maybe because I was curious to know more about him now? I don't even know. All I know is that Chelsea and Carry kept on asking me questions. 

Hey I have to go, I'll talk to you later I said to him

Ok, bye babe! :)

I chuckled at his text then put my phone down and climbed into bed before falling into a deep sleep.

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon