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I kept my eyes towards the doors the whole time I played the piano just in case Harry were to come in and I could escape quickly.

I stopped playing and looked up at the doors and sighed before grabbing my bag and leaving the auditorium.

I made sure to go out the back way so Harry wouldn't be able to see me.

I started heading home and sighed at the thought of not beling able to listen to music for another whole fifteen hours.

I never understood why my mom hated it so much. I think it had something to do that happened in the past. 

Carry texted me. 

Hey you going to the boys' house on Friday? 

I sighed. Should I? Eh why not?

Yeah you? I texted her back and waited for her reply as I walked back home. 

Yup! Hey I gtg still at dance ttyl byee

I chuckled and texted her back.


I put my phone in my pocket and started walking faster as I noticed dark thunder clouds rolling in behind me.

I groaned when I remembered I didn't have a sweatshirt or anything so if it rained....I'd be in trouble. 

I kept walking faster then groaned when I felt the rain drops fall from the sky. I stopped walking and looked up while groaning.

It started pouring now. I started jogging home, but what was the point? I was already soaked.

I ran into my house and took off my soaking wet shoes before running upstairs into my room. 

I closed the door behind me and dropped my bag on the floor next to my closet. I tried squeezing out the water from my ponytail and sighed when I had no luck and I walked into my bathroom to take a shower and change. 

I changed into grey sweatpants and a white t-shirt and I threw my hair up in a messy bun before walking back out into my room. 


I was actually surprised that we were having a family dinner that night.

Normally my dad gets in from work late and my mom is too busy to sit down and eat. But today was different, we were actually sitting together at the table, eating at the same exact time.

It was a strange feeling to me. I didn't really spend much time with my family. 

"So Rosie," my dad spoke. "Rosalie," my mother corrected giving him a look. "Mom, everyone but you calls me Rosie," I muttered looking up at her.

My mother frowned. "I gave you the name Rosalie and I'm going to call you by it," she said. I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I mumbled. "Anyway," my dad said.

"How was your day at school?" he asked giving me a smile.

My dad is more easy going than my mom and he likes to joke around with me when my mom's not around. 

I shrugged. "It's school, same old same old," I said. "Did you learn anything?" my mom asked giving me a look. I narrowed my eyes at her.

We don't really have the best relationship. "It's school, obviously I did," I muttered. "No need for that tone, Rosalie," she said.

I shrugged and looked back down at my plate. "You know Mom, we have a music class at school, where I can actually listen to music without feeling like a prisanor," I muttered.

I looked up and gave her a look. She was staring at me with an emotionless expression.

"You know why do you never let me listen to music? A normal teenager's parents would let them listen to whatever they want!

Carry has sixteen siblings yet they still all have iPods," I said looking at her. "Why can't I?"

She glared at me then stood up from the table quickly before storming out of the room and upstairs. I frowned and looked at my dad. 

"What is her problem?" I said. My dad sighed. "You shouldn't have said that, Rosie," he said. I gave him a look. "Why not?!

I want her to realize I should be able to listen to whatever music I want! I'm turning eighteen in a few months!" I said.

My dad shook his head. "You'll find out soon," he whispered. I was so confused. Why was I suddenly the bad guy? 

"Find out what?" I demanded. My dad sighed and looked at his plate while twirling his fork around. "Your mother....she was...just like you when she was younger," he said. I scoffed. She couldn't be.

She was so perfect and a workaholic. "Yeah right," I muttered sarcastically. 

"She was," my dad insisted, "she loved music, she listened to it all the time and she was spontaneous just like you," he said.

I shook my head in disbelief. "Then why does she make my life miserable?" I asked. He sighed and looked down.

"Let me finsih," he said. I sighed and leaned back in my chair. 

"When she was around your age, she and her friends were driving, she was the driver, and they were listening to music at full blast, they were too distracted to notice they were about to hit another car.

When they did one of her friends became paralyzed, another broke her leg, and your mother broke both of her arms, the doctors said they were lucky, they all could've died," he said, "that's why she doesn't want you listening to music, she's afaird it'll distract you too much and something like that car accident could happen to you," he said softly and looked up at me. 

I stared at the table with my mouth parted slightly.

No wonder she hated it so much. I literally felt like the worst daughter in the world at the moment.

I probably just reminded her about that accident. I got up from the table and ran upstairs. "Mom?" I called walking down the hallway towards her and my dad's room. 

"Mom?" I called again and slowly opened the door. She was sitting on the edge of her bed looking down.

I walked over and sat next to her while putitng my head on her shoulder. 

"I'm sorry," I whispered. "I didn't know." "I know you're sorry," she said and looked up at me.

"Dad told me...what happened," I said. She sighed. "I just didn't want the same thing to happen to you," she said, "we almost died, I don't know what I would've done if something happened to you." I smiled sadly and hugged her.

She hugged me back and at that moment I felt a lot happier. 

This was probably the first real hug I've had with my mother. 

And it was nice. 

Another Cinderella Story (Harry Styles Love Story)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon