IX. Just Yet

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Upon hearing the doorbell ring, Chaeyoung immediately gets it and lets Jennie and Jisoo in.

"I'm sorry to bother you at this late hour but I really really need your help."

"It's okay Chae. Tell us what you need us to do.", Jennie said worriedly, looking at the "younger", whose clothes and hair are a bit messy.

"My friend has been attacked while on the mission. He's inside please come in."

And so Jennie and Jisoo trailed behind Chaeyoung and when they reached where Mark was lying, almost lifeless, the two humans gasped in horror.

"C-Chaeyoung, oh my God, what happened to him??". It was Jennie.

"I'll tell you while you tend to him. I have here the med kit. I can't touch his blood because there's something in there, mixed in his blood, that burns to the touch. If I'm not mistaken it only affects our kind. So I called you to try. If it doesn't burn you then my theory is confirmed."

"Oh okay. Oh my God, he's body is almost ripped. Who did this?", Jisoo asks, finally finding her voice after her shock seeing the vampire.

"We still don't know. And thank you for lending us your help."

It was Bambam coming in from the backyard.

Jisoo and Jennie flinched at the voice, and seeing the handsome man with his pale skin, they knew he's also not human.

"Don't worry, he's one of my friends. He is Bambam. He is Mark's brother.", Chaeyoung explained.

The two girls bowed before going back to tending to Mark. Jisoo cleaned the wound in the shoulder and tried to patch it up so he won't bleed out.

"Do you feel anything, Unnie? Are you hurt after you touched his wounds and blood?", Jennie asks.

"No I feel fine. But I don't think patching him up would save him. If his blood is poisoned then not letting him bleed out without any cure to remove the poison will kill him."

Jennie, Chaeyoung and Bambam looked at each other because what Jisoo made sense.

"You can regenerate, right?", Jisoo asks and Chaeyoung nods. "In his case, he isn't regenerating or healing because his blood is poisoned. But the poison is of little amount, I guess, that is why it's not totally killing him. He is curing himself but way slower than usual.", Jisoo explains.

"So what do we do now?? Jimin and V are on their way here but it would still take them few hours. They'd arrive in the afternoon.", Bambam said.

Jisoo, Jennie and Chaeyoung thought for a while.

"Let's let him bleed a little so the poisoned blood would be replaced with the new ones."

"But how do we do that?? It will kill him! Are you crazy!", Bambam shouts, with his fangs already showing, making Jennie and Jisoo flinch a bit.

"Bam stop! They're trying to help in every possible solution. And I think she's right.", Chae defends, getting between the human and her vampire friend. "If we patch his wounds, his poisoned blood would remain inside him. Letting him bleed slowly, hoping that he could slowly replenish his blood too, then maybe we could save him."

Bambam was silent.

"It's better if we could inject some fresh blood in his system too. Does..does he drink animal blood..or human blood?", Jisoo asks.

And Jennie and Chaeyoung agreed too.

"He drinks animal blood. But he is picky. He only wants the blood of animals which are farm raised and fed in our farm in Thailand."

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